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Adela Abdelaziz

May 9, 2021

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

I must pass the Praxis Core Exam before I can take any education courses at

UNLV, NSC, or UNR to continue your Bachelor’s degree in Education. The scores for

the Praxis Core in Nevada for Math is 150. The passing score for Reading is 156, and the

passing score for Writing is 162.

Exam Preparation

I prepared a little bit for the Praxis Core Exam. I did do some practice questions

before hand on a few websites. I did not do the practice questions from ETS. I did

prepare myself by using a questions that I got wrong from the practice tests. I went back

and looked over the ones I got wrong so that I can understand if a similar question were

to pop up on the actual exam.

Exam Results

In math, I scored a 76% range which means I’m borderline passing. In reading, I

scored a 46% range which means I need significant improvement. In writing, I scored a

60% range which means I just need improvement.

Future Exam Preparation

I think what I will need to prepare for the Praxis Core Exam is lots of reviews

such as the review courses at CSN. I will also try and purchase a book or find online

programs to work with when I study for the exam.

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