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Society is moving forward and changes happen every day.

Laws are
passed for his followers. Jesus Christ put marriage back to where God had
started it in the garden of Eden. So Christians must stick to their marriage
mates in faithfulness, and in love. A Christian will not abuse his wife either
physically or spiritually.

Of course by the laws of nations, today divorce is granted on a number of

grounds like mental cruelty, laziness, drunkenness, insanity, incurable
disease, abandonment, and so on. But are all these legal grounds?

Jesus showed that there is but one ground for divorce - adultery or
moral unfaithfulness. Adultery is unloving and is breaking of God’s
commandment, and is putting apart what God has yoked together. Jesus made
it clear, that the only ground for divorce that is in the approval of God is what
stated in Mat. 5:32, it says “However, I say to you that everyone divorcing his
wife, except on account of sexual immorality, makes her a subject for adultery,
and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

I believe that married couples should only follow Christian principles;

the issue of divorce should not happen. But because of imperfections, even the
most ideal marriage falls apart. If this happens, divorce should be passed on to
free the innocent victim.

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