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Josh Ham

Dr. Queen

COMM 102

4 February 2020

Journal One

One of the main topics discussed in this chapter is the performance of identity. The book

defines this as “The process or means by which we show the world who we think we are.” (56).

This is something that we all go through throughout our lives. One specific example from my life

came around when I was about 15, and a freshman in high school. This was the year that my

parents decided that I was responsible for buying my own clothes before the new school year. I

had money from my summer job and they even gave me a small amount to help out. As a result

of suddenly being granted this new freedom, I went all out. I bought way more clothes than I

needed, and I made sure to get only the nicest and most expensive stuff. Although I went a little

overboard, I looked great that year.

This is a perfect example of the concept of performance of identity that was discussed in

the chapter. As I was granted the ability to really choose what clothes that I owned for the first

time, I had the ability to express myself how I chose. I ended up deciding that I was one of those

people who enjoyed being seen in the name brand clothes at the time. Another thing discussed in

the chapter was the likeliness for these preferences to change as we grow. I have also

experienced this phenomenon firsthand, as how I choose to express myself shifts by the month.
I never really took the time to think about the way that I dress expresses how I see myself

our how I feel that I want to be perceived, but after reading the chapter, that definitely changed. I

realize now that everything that I wear, all my actions, and even the people that I choose to be

around all reflect my sense of inner self and how I want to be perceived as a person. I feel that

this knowledge has really given me an upper hand in meeting new people as well as considering

the relationships that I currently have. I will now be able to look at myself in the mirror every

day and ask myself if this is really how I want to be seen by others. It also gives me the

advantage of thinking to look closer at how other people represent their inner selves and decide if

they are people that I want to become closer to or not.

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