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BIO 50 (LEC) – A

Cardiovascular System: Cardiac Output Worksheet

1. Write the equation for cardiac output.

CO = SV x HR or Cardiac output = Stroke volume x Heart rate

2. Define end diastolic volume (EDV).

End diastolic volume (EDV) is the amount of blood in the heart’s ventricle just

before the heart contracts and/or is the volume of blood in a ventricle immediately

before the contraction, at the end of diastole.

3. What are the two factors that cause cardiac output to increase during exercise?

Two factors: increased heart rate (HR) and increased stroke volume (SV)

4. The result of subtracting end systolic volume from end diastolic volume is called

ESV – EDV = Stroke volume (SV)

5. The product of heart rate times stroke volume is called _______________.

HR x SV = Cardiac output (CO)

6. The autonomic nervous system can increase heart rate through what two mechanisms?

a) Decreased parasympathetic stimulation of the (SA) sinoatrial node

b) Increased sympathetic stimulation of the (SA) sinoatrial node

7. While running, your heart’s stroke volume can increase by what two mechanisms?

a) Increased preload (due to increased venous return)

b) Increased contractility (due to increased sympathetic activity)

8. How does parasympathetic stimulation decrease cardiac output?

Parasympathetic stimulation decreases cardiac output (CO) by decreasing

heart rate.
9. How could a slower heart rate increase stroke volume?

A slower heart rate increases ventricular filling time which increases end diastolic

volume (EDV). And an increased EDV causes an increased preload which then

increases stroke volume (SV) as the end result.

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