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Comparison of maxillary and mandibular

Banafsheh K. Ochoa, DDS, MS,a and Ram S. Nanda, DDS, MS, PhDb
Oklahoma City, Okla

In this longitudinal study, serial lateral cephalometric radiographs were used to compare growth patterns of
the maxilla and mandible, with hand-wrist radiographs used to assess skeletal maturity. The sample
comprised 28 untreated subjects (15 female, 13 male) who were followed from ages 6 to 20 years. All
subjects had Class I malocclusions without anterior crossbites. Absolute values and incremental changes for
linear and angular cephalometric measurements were recorded and analyzed, and the relative growth-rate
formula was used to provide an accurate index of acceleration and deceleration of growth. The SNA angle
did not change significantly with age, but the SNB angle increased significantly in the male subjects. The ANB
angle decreased continuously until age 14. The palatal plane descended significantly from the horizontal
plane. The anterior and posterior nasal spines moved at about the same rate. The mandible grew in length
twice as much as the maxilla from ages 6 to 20. With growth, the facial profiles of the male subjects became
straighter as the chin became more prominent. The female subjects had less incremental growth and
duration of growth of the mandible, so that the profiles remained more convex. Overall, skeletal and
chronologic ages did not differ significantly, except at ages 10 and 16 in the female subjects. Individual
variability pointed to the need for assessing each patient’s pattern in the general guidelines of the group
pattern. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2004;125:148-59)

n important objective of orthodontic treatment Growth of the face is closely related to growth of
during adolescence is to take advantage of the body as a whole and therefore accelerates consid-
growth in patients with skeletal discrepancies. erably during adolescence.3-6 Maximal craniofacial
Through effective management of the growing cranio- growth, although closely associated with stature, has
facial complex, superior results can be achieved. There- been shown to occur slightly later than maximal statural
fore, orthodontists are generally interested in defining growth.3,7
the changes in the various components of the craniofa- The clinical importance of evaluating skeletal mat-
cial structures, especially in the maxilla and mandible. uration has long been recognized in orthodontics. The
In 1955, Björk1 used metallic implants in the right osseous changes seen in hand-wrist films are indicators
side of each arch to analyze the growth mechanism of of more general skeletal changes. Most investigators
individual human bones on the basis of comparison have found significant correlations between matura-
with the external bone contours. Nanda and Ghosh2 tional stages derived from hand-wrist radiographs and
studied longitudinal cephalometric radiographs from changes in statural height. Since Greulich and Pyle8
the Denver Child Research Council and found that the
presented an atlas of hand-wrist radiographs to deter-
largest amount of growth occurred from ages 6 to 12
mine state of maturity, many studies have shown a
years in girls and 12 to 18 years in boys. Even in the
close relationship between skeletal maturation and
period of 18 to 24 years, a small amount of growth was
facial maturation.
recorded in both sexes. There were relatively larger
Investigations based on longitudinal cephalomet-
changes in the male subjects when compared with the
female subjects. ric growth studies indicate that facial type might be
identified as early as age 5,9 and a tendency for a
Class II relationship can also be predicted.10 Growth
From the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Graduate student. is a differential process, in which some parts enlarge
Professor and chairman, Department of Orthodontics. more or less than others and in many directions. In
Reprint requests to: Dr Ram S. Nanda, University of Oklahoma College of
Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics, PO Box 26901, 1001 Stanton L. Young
this study, some measurements commonly used in
Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73190; e-mail, orthodontic diagnosis were used to focus on growth
Submitted, August 2002; revised and accepted, March 2003. changes in the maxilla and mandible. Hand-wrist
Copyright © 2004 by the American Association of Orthodontists. radiographs were used to relate these growth changes
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2003.03.008 to skeletal maturity.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Ochoa and Nanda 149
Volume 125, Number 2

Fig 1. Cephalometric planes. 1, S-N: plane passing Fig 2. Cephalometric angles. 1, SNA (sella-nasion-
through sella and nasion; 2, horizontal plane: plane point A): angle formed by intersection of S-N line and
passing through sella, 7° down from line connecting N-A line at N; 2, SNB (sella-nasion-point B): angle
sella and nasion; 3, N-Go: plane passing through nasion formed by intersection of S-N line and N-B line at N; 3,
and gonion; 4, palatal plane: plane passing through ANB (point A-nasion-point B): difference between an-
posterior nasal spine and anterior nasal spine (ANS- gles SNA and SNB; 4, Y axis: anterior inferior angle
PNS); 5, S-Gn: plane passing through the sella and formed by intersection of horizontal plane with S-Gn
gnathion; 6, Go-Gn (mandibular plane): plane passing line; 5, SN-GoGn (mandibular plane angle): angle
through gonion and gnathion. formed by intersection of S-N and Go-Gn; 6, upper
gonial angle: angle formed by intersection of line N-Go
and posterior border of ramus; 7, lower gonial angle:
MATERIAL AND METHODS angle formed by intersection of line N-Go and ventral
border of mandible; 8, total gonial angle: sum of upper
This study was conducted on serial lateral cephalo- and lower gonial angles.
metric radiographs and hand-wrist radiographs taken
from a sample of 28 subjects (15 female, 13 male)
between the ages of 6 and 20 years. Records were ence, which was prepared for the United States Na-
available for 10 female and 10 male subjects at age 20. tional Health Examination Survey.
Four extreme cases were selected, and tracings were One examiner (B.O.) traced the radiographs with a
superimposed on the sella-nasion line, holding sella variable light source. The cephalometric planes, angles,
constant, to show profile changes during development. and linear measurements used in this study are shown
The longitudinal data were derived from the records in Figures 1, 2, and 3, respectively (the abbreviations
of the Child Research Council, Denver, Colo. All that follow are defined in the figure legends). Several
subjects were healthy, white, and born in Denver. cephalometric measurements were selected to evaluate
Radiographs were taken yearly as part of a compre- maxillary and mandibular growth in relation to skeletal
hensive study of human growth that ended in the late maturity. The distance from ANS to PNS was measured
1960s. The original data and the radiographs were to depict horizontal growth of the maxilla. A horizontal
made available to us, and the quality of the research plane was drawn at S with a correction of 7° to the SN
material was excellent. Waldo,11 McDowell,12 and line. The distances from points ANS and PNS to their
Nanda3 have previously described the Child Research perpendicular intersection on the horizontal plane were
Council and the records. measured to depict vertical growth of the anterior and
The criteria for selecting the sample were no history posterior maxilla, respectively. For mandibular growth,
of orthodontic treatment and a Class I malocclusion the linear measurement Ar-Pog was measured. To
without anterior crossbites. Dental occlusion was iden- compare maxillary and mandibular growth, 2 different
tified from the cephalometric radiographs at age 18. methods were applied. One method used the angles
Skeletal development was assessed on hand-wrist SNA, SNB, and ANB. The other entailed drawing
radiographs, according to the Pyle13 standard of refer- perpendiculars to the palatal plane from points A, B,
150 Ochoa and Nanda American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2004

any significant difference between estimated age and

mean chronologic age. The mean and standard devia-
tion were calculated for actual and skeletal ages at each
period for the female and male samples. The paired t
test was used to find statistically significant differences
between chronologic and skeletal ages.
The mean and standard deviation were calculated
for each cephalometric value at each period. Analysis
of variance was used to determine whether there was
any statistically significant difference between the pe-
riods. The Student-Newman-Keuls test was then per-
formed on the data to detect which periods were
significantly different. All statistical analyses were
done for the female and male samples separately and
for the combined sample.
The female sample was found to have a signifi-
Fig 3. Cephalometric linear measurements. 1, ANS- cantly higher skeletal age at age 10 (P ⬍ .05) and a
PNS (maxillary length): distance between points ANS significantly lower skeletal age at age 16 (P ⬍ .01). In
and PNS; 2, vertical to palatal plane at PNS and ANS: 8 of the 15 girls, the bones on the hand-wrist radiograph
first, lines are drawn from points ANS and PNS to their were not fused until age 8, and, in 1 subject, the bones
perpendicular intersection on horizontal plane, then did not fuse until age 20.
distance in millimeters is measured from points of Differences between skeletal and chronologic ages
intersections to respective points ANS or PNS; 3, A, B, in the male sample were not statistically significant at
and pogonion (Pog) to palatal plane: lines are drawn
any period, except at 20 years. Only 10 of the 13 men
perpendicular to palatal plane from point A, point B, and
had radiographs at age 20. Of these 10, 4 did not have
Pog, and differences in millimeters between points A, B,
and Pog projected onto palatal plane are measured; 4, all the bones in their hand and wrist fused until age 20.
Ar-Pog (mandibular length): distance from articulare (Ar) When we compared SNA measurements from ages
to Pog. 6 to 20 years in the female and male subjects separately
and combined, the change was not statistically signifi-
cant. For the total sample, the mean SNA angle was
and Pog. The perpendicular distances in millimeters 81.44° ⫾ 2.76° at age 6 and 82.34° ⫾ 3.05° at age 20.
between the points A-B and A-Pog on the palatal plane In the total sample, SNB angle was found to have
were then measured.14 significant changes between various ages. There were
Absolute values and incremental changes for the significant increases from ages 6 to 14, 8 to 16, and 12
linear and angular cephalometric measurements were to 18. The increase was not significant after age 16. The
recorded and analyzed. The relative growth rate formu- female sample alone did not show a statistically signif-
la3,14,15 was used to provide an accurate index of icant change in SNB, whereas the male sample had
acceleration and deceleration of growth over specific significant increases in SNB from ages 6 to 16, 12 to
periods. This formula was used for each subject for all 18, and 14 to 20. Table I shows that in a 2-year period,
cephalometric measurements. Means were then calcu- the peak relative increase in SNB was from ages 10 to
lated for the male and female subjects. Growth changes 12 (0.5% per year, 0.79° per 2 years) in the female
that occurred over varying periods were all converted to subjects. In the male subjects, the greatest increases
annual rates by including elapsed time in the formula. were from ages 12 to 14 and 14 to 16 (0.78% and
With this method, we could compare growth rates and 0.74% per year, or 1.17° and 1.14° per 2 years,
growth patterns. respectively).
The longitudinal data were categorized into 8 peri- ANB angle showed a significant decrease during
ods. The sample did not include longitudinal radio- growth. From ages 8 to 16 in both sexes combined,
graphs at the same ages for all subjects. Therefore, for there was a statistically significant decrease. In the
statistical comparison, estimated ages 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, female subjects over a 2-year period, the greatest
16, 18, and 20 years were used as the 8 periods. In the relative decrease in ANB was between ages 12 and 14
female and male samples, the paired t test did not show (26.48% per year, or 0.98° per 2 years). In the male
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Ochoa and Nanda 151
Volume 125, Number 2

Table I. Mean values of SNB and relative growth between periods

Grouped Overall Female Incremental Female Male Incremental Male
age (y) n SNB (°) n RG (%) changes (°) SNB (°) n RG (%) Changes (°) SNB (°)

6 28 76.46 15 NA NA 76.39 13 NA NA 76.54

8 28 76.88 15 0.21 0.28 76.67 13 0.44 0.57 77.11
10 27 77.14 15 0.26 0.43 77.10 12 0.08 0.08 77.19
12 28 77.89 15 0.50 0.79 77.89 13 0.39 0.69 77.88
14 28 78.71 15 0.29 0.54 78.43 13 0.78 1.17 79.05
16 28 79.58 15 0.36 0.62 79.05 13 0.74 1.14 80.19
18 28 79.90 15 0.20 0.28 79.33 13 0.22 0.36 80.55
20 20 80.56 10 0.06 0.13 79.46 10 0.54 1.10 81.65

RG, Relative growth; % change per year from previous age group to age on same line. NA, not applicable.

Table II. Mean values of maxillary length and relative growth between periods
Estimated Overall Female Incremental Female Male Incremental Male
age (y) n (mm) n RG (%) changes (mm) (mm) n RG (%) changes (mm) (mm)

6 28 45.13 15 NA NA 44.33 13 NA NA 46.05

8 28 47.59 15 2.79 2.39 46.72 13 2.87 2.54 48.59
10 27 49.21 15 1.72 1.49 48.21 12 1.48 1.89 50.48
12 28 50.99 15 1.93 1.88 50.09 13 1.87 1.55 52.03
14 28 52.22 15 0.83 0.97 51.06 13 1.46 1.52 53.55
16 28 53.40 15 0.56 0.49 51.55 13 1.64 1.98 55.53
18 28 53.85 15 0.40 0.42 51.97 13 0.44 0.49 56.02
20 20 54.25 10 ⫺0.31 ⫺0.31 51.66 10 0.67 0.81 56.83

RG, Relative growth: % change per year from previous age to age on same line. NA, not applicable.

Table III. Mean values of mandibular length and relative growth between periods
Estimated Overall Female Incremental Female Male Incremental Male
age (y) n (mm) n RG (%) changes (mm) (mm) n RG (%) changes(mm) (mm)

6 28 85.44 15 NA NA 84.05 13 NA NA 87.04

8 28 90.18 15 2.32 3.83 87.88 13 3.14 5.78 92.82
10 27 94.08 15 2.10 3.59 91.47 12 2.32 4.53 97.35
12 28 98.48 15 2.27 4.24 95.71 13 2.16 4.31 101.66
14 28 102.95 15 2.26 4.85 100.56 13 2.01 4.06 105.72
16 28 106.79 15 0.89 1.71 102.27 13 3.01 6.29 112.01
18 28 108.29 15 0.46 0.84 103.11 13 1.26 2.27 114.28
20 20 109.38 10 0.33 0.58 103.69 10 0.48 0.66 114.94

RG, Relative growth: % change per year from previous age to age on same line. NA, not applicable.

subjects, the maximum decrease was between ages 18 was 60.99° ⫾ 2.74° and 60.89° ⫾ 2.83° in the female
and 20 (19.84% per year, or 0.24° per 2 years). and male subjects, respectively. Similarly, at age 20,
When we evaluated the female and male samples the angle was 59.85° ⫾ 2.81° and 58.41° ⫾ 2.94° in the
separately, the decrease in SN to GoGn was significant female and male subjects, respectively.
only from ages 6 to 20 in either sex. The SN-GoGn There were significant increases in the vertical
angle was 33.99° ⫾ 2.87° at age 6 and 29.46° ⫾ 4.19° movement of the ANS point from ages 6 to 8, 8 to 10,
at age 20 in the female subjects; for male subjects, the 10 to 12, and 12 to 14 with both sexes combined and in
angle was 34.17° ⫾ 4.98° at age 6 and 27.52° ⫾ 5.87° the male sample alone. The statistical findings in the
at age 20. female sample differed in that, after age 8, the signifi-
When we compared Y axis measurements from cant increase was over 4 years instead of 2. After age
ages 6 to 20 in both sexes combined or alone, there was 14, there was no significant increase. When we looked
no statistically significant change. At age 6, the angle at 2-year intervals, the female sample had an increase in
152 Ochoa and Nanda American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2004

the vertical measurement at point ANS to the horizontal the male subjects, the greatest relative increase was
plane from ages 6 to 8, 8 to 10, and 10 to 12 (3.51%, from ages 6 to 8 and again from ages 14 to 16 (3.14%
3.25%, and 2.77% per year, or 2.39, 2.16, and 2.13 mm and 3.01% per year, or 5.78 and 4.53 mm per 2 years,
per 2 years, respectively). In the male subjects, the respectively).
greatest increase was from ages 6 to 8 (4.44% per year, There were statistically significant decreases in the
or 3.24 mm per 2 years). The increases in this mea- distance from A-point to B-point on the palatal plane
surement from ages 8 to 10, 10 to 12, and 12 to 14 were between ages 6 to 10, 8 to 14, and 12 to 18. In the
nearly the same at each 2-year interval (ie, 2.66%, female sample, the greatest relative decrease from
2.44%, and 2.07% per year, or 1.94, 2.18, and 1.74 mm points A to B on the palatal plane was from ages 12 to
per 2 years, respectively). 14 (15.06% per year, or 1.36 mm per 2 years), whereas
The increase in the vertical movement of point PNS in the male sample, the greatest decrease was from ages
from ages 6 to 8, 8 to 10, 10 to 12, 12 to 14, and 14 to 16 to 18 (21.77% per year, or 1.01 mm per 2 years).
16 for both sexes combined and the male sample alone Ages 14 to 16 and ages 18 to 20 also had comparable
was also significant. Again, there was a slight differ- decreases (16.47% and 17.83%, or 0.68 and 0.60 mm
ence in the female sample, which showed no significant per 2 years, respectively).
increase from ages 12 to 14. After age 16, there was no The distance from A-point to Pog on the palatal
significant increase in individual groups or the overall plane also decreased significantly between various
sample. ages. The female sample had significance from ages 6
The vertical increase at point PNS from the hori- to 8, 8 to 14, and 12 to 16. The male sample showed
zontal plane was similar to that of ANS. In the female significance from ages 6 to 12, 8 to 14, and 10 to 16.
subjects, the increases from ages 6 to 8, 8 to 10, and 10 The female sample showed a gradual decrease from
to 12 (3.14%, 2.61%, and 2.20% per year, or 2.18, 1.71, A-point to Pog on the palatal plane, with the peak
and 1.69 mm per 2 years, respectively) were compara- relative decrease from ages 6 to 8 (17.96% per year, or
ble. In the male subjects, the greatest increase was from 2.33 mm per 2 years) and the second greatest decrease
ages 6 to 8 (4.10% per year, or 2.93 mm per 2 years). from ages 16 to 18 (15.00% per year, or 0.36 mm per
Increases from ages 8 to 10, 10 to 12, 12 to 14, and 14 2 years). The relative percentage of decrease in the
to 16 were similar at 2.87%, 1.98%, 2.55%, and 2.32% male sample was much higher after age 14, with the
per year, or 2.11, 1.69, 2.08, and 2.09 mm per 2 years, maximum relative decrease from ages 16 to 18 (33.62%
respectively. per year, or 0.86 mm per 2 years).
There were statistically significant increases in There was no statistically significant change with
maxillary length from ages 6 to 8, 8 to 10, and 10 to 12 age in the lower gonial angle in the female or male
in the combined sample, with stability after the age of subjects, or the combined sample. However, the upper
14. Whereas the female sample showed statistically gonial angle decreased significantly from ages 6 to 10,
significant increases from ages 6 to 8 and 8 to 12, with 8 to 14, and 12 to 16 in the combined sample. Likewise,
stability in growth after age 12, the male sample the total gonial angle decreased significantly from ages
changed significantly from ages 6 to 8, 8 to 12, 12 to 6 to 12, 8 to 16, and 12 to 20.
16, and 14 to 20. As shown in Table II, in the female The growth curves showed that individual variation
and male subjects, the greatest relative increase in occurred in both sexes. Some subjects in this study
maxillary length was from ages 6 to 8 (2.79% and displayed extreme variations. For example, female
2.87% per year, or 2.39 and 2.54 mm per 2 years, subject number 5 (Figs 4 and 5) had Class III skeletal
respectively. tendencies, with relatively high SNA and SNB angles.
Mandibular length increased significantly from From the ages of 12 to 16, the ANB angle became
ages 6 to 8, 8 to 10, 10 to 12, 12 to 14, and 14 to 16 in negative. Distances from A to B and A to Pog on the
both sexes combined and the male sample alone. After palatal plane were also relatively low, but they had
age 16, there were no significant increases. In the gradual decreases. The subject had an average profile
female sample, the only difference was that the growth during childhood and then grew to have a strong chin
of the mandible was stable after age 14 instead of age and straighter profile. It was evident on examination of
16. As shown in Table III, in the female subjects, the the growth curves of maxillary and mandibular length
relative rate of increase in mandibular length was that the mandible grew consistently from ages 6 to 18,
considerable from ages 6 to 8, 8 to 10, 10 to 12, and 12 whereas the maxilla showed growth spurts only from
to 14 (2.32%, 2.10%, 2.27% and 2.26% per year, or ages 10 to 12 and 14 to 16. The palatal plane main-
3.83, 3.59, 4.24, and 4.85 mm per 2 years, respec- tained a nearly parallel relationship to the horizontal
tively), with the peak increase from ages 10 to 12. In plane. In addition, the relatively lower Y axis and
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Ochoa and Nanda 153
Volume 125, Number 2

Fig 4. Cephalometric superimposition of female subject #5, with Class III skeletal tendencies. Black
line, chronologic age (CA) ⫽ 5 years 9 months; blue line, CA ⫽ 11 years 9 months; red line, CA ⫽
17 years. Subject had an average profile during childhood and then grew to have strong chin and
straighter profile. Relatively low Y axis and mandibular plane correlate with horizontal growth pattern
or prognathic facial profile.

Fig 5. Growth curves for female subject #5. Mx, maxilla; Md, mandible.
154 Ochoa and Nanda American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2004

Fig 6. Cephalometric superimposition of female subject #6, with Class II skeletal tendencies. Black
line, chronologic age (CA) ⫽ 5 years 9 months; blue line, CA ⫽ 11 years 9 months; red line, CA ⫽
17 years. Subject had retrognathic facial profile throughout growth. Y axis increased slightly as
subject aged, indicating vertical growth pattern.

Fig 7. Growth curves for female subject #6. Mx, maxilla; Md, mandible.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Ochoa and Nanda 155
Volume 125, Number 2

mandibular plane also show that this patient was a Differences in the growth spurt between the sexes
horizontal grower or had a prognathic facial profile. should predict that the female subjects would show
Female subject number 6 (Figs 6 and 7) seemed to pubertal growth 2 years earlier than the male subjects.
be quite different from number 5, in that her cephalo- The female subjects tended to have the greatest skeletal
metric superimpositions displayed a continuous retrog- changes between the ages of 10 and 14. At age 10, the
nathic facial profile throughout growth. Angles SNA, skeletal age of the female sample was 6 months behind
SNB, and ANB did not change greatly during develop- chronologic age. The male sample had the greatest
ment. Maxillary and mandibular length increased changes from ages 12 to 16 and even up to age 18 with
steadily, with the mandible not increasing in length to mandibular measurements.
the same extent as in female number 5. When we The growth pattern for the male sample made the
compared female subjects 5 and 6, the linear measure- facial profiles straighter as they grew older. The female
ment from A to B on the palatal plane for number 5 sample, however, had less incremental growth and
decreased by 3.8 mm, so that it measured 0 mm at age duration of growth of the mandible, so that their
17 years; this measurement for female subject number profiles remained more convex when compared with
6 decreased 1.4 mm. The A to Pog measurement also the male sample. Examination of growth curves indi-
showed the same but more pronounced change (ie, it cated that individual variation was common in both
decreased in 5 by 10.5 mm and in 6 by only 3.4 mm). sexes, although a general trend in the growth pattern
The Y axis in number 6 increased slightly as the patient was noticed.
developed, indicating vertical growth. ANS grew ver- This investigation included both linear and angular
tically more than PNS throughout growth, indicating measurements from the cephalometric radiographs.
that the palatal plane tipped down anteriorly. All of With growth, the behavior of the linear and angular
these changes related to a more convex profile and measurements was different in that the angular mea-
vertical growth pattern for female subject number 6. surements did not show as much change. This was
More male subjects in this study had a straighter because all angles have 3 points, and each point has 2
profile with a stronger pogonion, like that seen in male degrees of freedom for error. Also, all 3 points move
subject number 1 (Figs 8 and 9). The curves for angles during growth.
SNA and SNB had the common convex profile in The average SNA angle did not show significant
childhood and then a straighter profile during adult- change during growth, a finding that was first reported
hood. Angle ANB was 7.5° at age 5 years but decreased by Nanda.16 The data in this study indicated that
to 0.5° at 18 years. The mandibular length showed a sagittal growth at nasion is approximate to the move-
steady growth, with a total increase of 30 mm, com- ment of A-point on the maxilla. Other authors have,
pared with a maxillary growth of only 13 mm. Because however, found conflicting evidence with regard to the
of the greater mandibular growth, the measurement changes in SNA angle. Jamison et al17 reported signif-
from A to B decreased from 6 to 0 mm and from A to icant changes in SNA from ages 8 to 17, although the
Pog from 5.5 to 1.7 mm. increase was clinically insignificant.
A relatively extreme retrognathic profile was ob- The angle between the horizontal plane (7° to SN)
served in male subject number 7 (Figs 10 and 11). and the mandibular plane was found to decrease during
Angle ANB increased from 5.5° to 7.5° with growth. growth at a continuous rate. The peak decrease in the
Distances from A to B and A to Pog on the palatal plane mandibular plane angle occurred earlier in the female
seemed to follow the same relative straight-line pattern group, from ages 6 to 8, than in the male group, which
during development. The A-to-B measurement did not experienced it from ages 12 to 14. It has been
change from 5.75 to 20 years. The distance from A to shown14,16 that posterior vertical height of the mandible
Pog decreased by 3 mm. As a result, this subject had a grows more and for a longer period than does anterior
Class II pattern. facial height. Therefore, more vertical growth posteri-
orly resulted in flattening of the mandibular plane.
DISCUSSION The average value of the Y axis did not change
The skeletal maturity evaluated from hand-wrist significantly with age. The male and female samples
radiographs for both the male and female subjects was showed less than 1° of difference at all ages. Therefore,
delayed compared with current maturity standards. The the line from sella to gnathion is a helpful foundation to
material used in this study was collected between 1940 predict future horizontal or vertical growth of the
and 1970. It is possible that the pattern observed in the mandible.
Denver growth study sample was due to secular growth Both anterior and posterior points of the palate
trends in every decade up to the 1980s. moved vertically down from the horizontal plane at
156 Ochoa and Nanda American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2004

Fig 8. Cephalometric superimposition of male subject #1. Black line, chronologic age (CA) ⫽ 5
years 3 months; blue line, CA ⫽ 11 years 9 months; red line, CA ⫽ 18 years. Like this subject, most
men in study had straighter profiles with stronger pogonion. SNA and SNB curves display convex
profile common in childhood, becoming straighter during adulthood. Mandibular length increased
steadily, whereas maxilla had interrupted periods of growth (see Fig 9).

Fig 9. Growth curves for male subject #1. Mx, maxilla; Md, mandible.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Ochoa and Nanda 157
Volume 125, Number 2

Fig 10. Cephalometric superimposition of male subject #7, with Class II skeletal tendencies. Black
line, chronologic age (CA) ⫽ 5 years 9 months; blue line, CA ⫽ 11 years 9 months; red line, CA ⫽
20 years 4 months. Relatively extreme retrognathic profile. Like female subject #6, ANB did not
change much with growth. Note that soft tissue is much thicker for this subject compared with male
subject #1.

Fig 11. Growth curves for male subject #7. Mx, maxilla; Md, mandible.
158 Ochoa and Nanda American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2004

about the same rate—10 mm—from ages 6 to 20 years. be identified. The study of Klocke et al10 has,
There was not a significant tip in the palatal plane in the however, shown that the indicators of unfavorable
sample as a whole or when separated by sex. Nanda and Class II growth might be related to the mandible and
Merrill14 reported similar findings. vertical parameters. They found that unfavorable
The maxillary length increased significantly every 2 Class II growth changes were associated with a
years from ages 6 to 12 years. For the male subjects, tendency for increased gonial angle and a signifi-
maxillary length increased significantly from ages 14 to cantly increased lower gonial angle. Equally convinc-
20. This is consistent with data from Nanda and ing were the studies conducted by Baccetti et al,22 who
Ghosh,2 who found that most growth in the maxilla found that most early Class II skeletal signs were the
occurred from ages 6 to 12 in the female subjects and result of mandibular position and dimensions.
ages 12 to 18 in the male subjects. Also comparable Most longitudinal growth studies provide means
was the finding that, on average, the maxilla grew 7.33 and standard deviations of measurements on the basis
mm in the female subjects and 10.78 mm in the male of a total sample. Although these data provide useful
subjects. The mandibular length also increased signif- information on the general group trends, they fail to
icantly every 2 years up to age 16. These data showed emphasize that the general trends cannot be reasonably
that the mandible continued to rapidly lengthen 2 years applied to the growth behavior of each person and the
after the maxilla had decelerated in growth. The sagittal measurements of his or her craniofacial structures. The
growth in the mandible ranged from 24 to 33.5 mm in variation is too large to be easily summarized by group
this sample. statistics.
The female sample demonstrated a relative slowing
in growth after age 12 in maxillary length and after age CONCLUSIONS
14 in mandibular length, whereas the male sample 1. SNA angle did not change significantly from ages 6
continued to grow significantly until age 16. On the to 20. SNB angle increased significantly in the male
whole, the male sample displayed greater relative subjects throughout life. ANB angle decreased con-
increases and longer duration of growth in the maxilla tinuously until age 14. This decrease was variable
and the mandible. Compared with the maxilla, the and could not predict the degree of change on an
mandible grew more than twice as much in length individual basis.
between ages 6 and 20. The average increments during 2. SN to GoGn decreased significantly until age 14.
this period were 19.64 mm and 27.90 mm in the female 3. The changes in the angulation of the palatal plane
and the male subjects, respectively. were minimal.
From the measurements examined individually 4. None of the parameters used in this study was
for the total sample of 28 subjects, regardless of sex, predictive of a skeletal Class II relationship, because
angle ANB was not predictive of a skeletal Class II of the individual variation in growth.
relationship. The reduction in angle ANB ranged 5. The mandible grew in length twice as much as the
from 7° to 2° between the ages of 5 and 20. Variation maxilla from ages 6 to 20.
in changes to angle ANB could not be related to the 6. The male sample overall developed 2 years longer
amount of sagittal growth in the maxilla or the than the female sample and also grew relatively
mandible. However, a more consistent pattern more. With growth, the facial profile became
emerged in determining a Class II pattern based on straighter by increased prominence of the chin in the
measurements A to B and A to Pog on the palatal male sample. The female sample had less incremen-
plane. Hussells and Nanda18,19 have shown that angle tal growth and duration of growth of the mandible,
ANB depends on other factors, and, to use it reliably, so that the profiles remained more convex when
a correction factor has to be included. Also, Nanda compared with the male sample.
and Merrill,14 after comparing the palatal plane to 7. Overall, skeletal and chronologic ages did not differ
other methods of assessing anteroposterior dysplasia, significantly, except for ages 10 and 16 in the female
concluded that the palatal plane is a reliable refer- subjects.
ence plane because of its stability during growth.
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