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A True Disciple – PART THREE

The Definition
a. Prayer is a conversation, communication dialogue between a man and his creator, God:
Psalm 37:5, 7; Acts 9:6;13:1-3
i. Prayer is a spiritual activity where we communicate with a being we do not see.
Therefore it takes faith to communicate with God( that is unseen to the carnal
eyes) but visible to the spiritual eyes.
ii. Prayer is a dialogue, meaning speaking and listening to the one interacting with:
1 Samuel 30:6-8; Exodus 32:7-12; 30-34, Acts 13. These passages show us how
Moses spoke with God and how the Apostles frequently indulged in that
activity. * The quality of a good communication depends on our ability to listen.
In a prayer what is most important is to hear what God has to say to us.
b. Prayer is a spiritual battle against the principalities and demonic force that come against
our lives: Ephesians 6:12; 1 Timothy 6:12; Mark 16:17
i. Although the bible tells us that we have victory, this victory has to be sustained,
and it is through prayer that we sustain the victory.
c. Prayer is a cry for help:
i. In times of hardship, tribulation, obstacles, prayer becomes a cry for help/
intervention to God: Psalm 102:1-5; 13-14; 17-22; 118:5
d. Prayer is a necessity, a confession of faith and a permission to the spiritual realm to
work in the earthly realm. We become children of God through prayer and we are also
maintained through prayer. A Christian who does not pray is a easy prey to the devil.
Prayer is not a formality but a necessity: Romans 10:9; John 1:12; 2 Timothy 4:7.

In Jesus’ Name
John 16:23-24; Acts 3:6-7; 16; 4:12
- It is to Jesus that all was given and to whom all authority reign: 2 cor 1:20; Eph 1:3,
Col 2:10.
 A prayer that is done in Faith is what God likes. It is FAITH in prayer that
moves God.

The Importance and It’s Effect

a. Those who understand the need of prayer and its importance in our life, we would seek
to develop a strong and effective life. A strong Christian has a deep and established
prayer life.
b. Prayer approaches us to God. The more we approach ourselves to him he approaches
himself to us and transforms us in his presence. His presence transforms our inside
whereas his power transforms our outside: James 4:8, Acts 9:3-5; Isaiah 6:1
c. Prayers helps us win back time: Eph 5:16; Col 4:5
d. Prayer transforms us from carnal to spiritual motivated people, it brings light to hidden
things and sustains and assures victory over our defeats.
e. Prayer brings anointing in our life: Psalms 103:2-7
f. Prayer brings miracle
g. Prayer brings unity in our mindset and life and also brings humility
h. Prayer opens our spiritual eyes to see the invisible things.

Note: a strong prayer life is cultivated with time. Don’t be discouraged if you do not have a strong
prayer life now, just go in the presence of God with the words you have and as you press and repeat this
activity, you will also develop a strong life of prayer.

God bless.

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