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Running Head: NARCISSISM 1



Institutional Affiliation


Everyone is a narcissist, friends and family members and others members of community

who always talk about themselves but they feel bad when one start talking about himself.

Normally narcissism is in all of us, families, teams, religions and races- all are narcissists. It is

generally of two categories, personal and tribal narcissism. It could be good and bad as well, it is

in fans of a football team and even in soldier who save comrade and put life of others on stake.

These are the natural feelings which could not be avoided. Number of factors involve in

separating in groups from out groups, it includes customs, music, color and shape of eyes and

color of eyes. It has been seen that one feels safe in his/her tribe, because they protect them.

Sometime love may come from different tribe in form of concern that they are not like us. One

day we were bust in line of departmental store waiting for the bill, and my daughter who is not

started talking was staring at the black girl, when I asked her are you sad that your skin color is

not black, and she said no.

It will not stay long, because we could not ignore narcissism from us. A lot of

individuals, in any case, are consummately content if their higher districts stay tranquil, drawing

stark even deadly contrasts in the middle of insiders and outcasts that don't even oblige a racial

distinction. That sort of conduct is display in mobsters who execute wantonly yet go on

beautifully about family; in road packs that savagely secure their individuals and turf, and then

spread adversaries with programmed weapons discharge from speeding autos. In any case it

shows its most loathsome outflow in wars—the dehumanization of the pariah is fundamental for


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