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Obedience is a positioning

Obedience is a positioning
June 16, 2020
Love of God, Obedience
“If you love me, keep my commands.”

John 14:15
Obedience has some synonyms: compliance, submission, resistance and even respect. When we
accept Jesus as our only Lord and Savior of our lives we accept to live a crucified life with Him.
This life is to always seek to be at the center of God’s will, respecting his commandments and
being under the mission He gives us.

Obediencie is a place
Obedience is a place and disobedience is also. Both are positions in which we decide whether to
walk or not. You can enter them, but you can also leave. You can intentionally live in one of these
places or abstain completely from where you have been living.

I was once being responsible and leading a ministry in my local church and had received a
direction from God to deliver that leadership. I realized that as long as I did not follow and obey
this direction I would be living in a place of disobedience and not fulfilling what God had said to
my heart.

Disobedience generates fear

“But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the
garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”

Genesis 3:9-10
This dialogue happened after Adam and Eve mistake, you can see that before the disobedience
have happened FEAR had never been cited. When the independence of God and the will to be like
Him enter the heart of man, fear takes shape and in response Adam can only say: “I was afraid,
and I hid”.

The best choice will always be obedience

Nothing can satisfy our soul but intimacy with our God. Don’t let your mistakes lead you away
from God, on the contrary, take them to the foot of the cross with the certainty that God has a
better life for you. Don’t let your failures paralyze you, because these mistakes don’t define

Keep going! For it is in obedience to God that you will find robes of love to wear and not guilt and
fear. Purpose to fulfill, wisdom from on high, the peace you seek so much and the powerful truth
of being who God created you to be.
So, go back to the place of obedience, where there is true surrender and surrender. There is no
better place for you to live well and flourish than this one.

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