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Listening Strategies for the hititn BA Pan (Chuyéa ngd phin ehigidt “LO Huy Lam ai + A HA XUAT BAN’ iGo Cong ty TNE ‘THANE PHO HO cut aa Nhan Tri Viét Listening Strategies for the IELTS TEST Copyright © 2006-2013 Baljiig Language and Culture University Press Published in Viemam, 2014 ‘This edition is published in Vietnam under a lisense Agreement between Boling Language and Culture University Prose and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd. Al rights reserved. No pat of he publeaton may be produced, stored in a retrieval system, of transmitted, In any form or by eny means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, oF otherwise, without the. prior witan permission of the copyright owners. Gidi thigu tom tét vé “Gido trinh Iuyén thi nghe IELTS” “Gido trinh luyén thi nghe IELTS" duye thiét ké danh cho céc thi sinh tham.dy mon. thi nghe IELTS muén luyén thi trong thél gian ngén. Né khOng nhing c6 ich trong viée nang cao hd nang lam bat thi cia thf sinh trong thal gian ngén, ma.cdn.c6 thé ding lam sich luyén nghe cho dong dao ngubi hoc tléng Anh, . Gido trinh nay c6 ndi dung phong phu, 48 cap dén nhiéu phyong dién, ty lieu dugc kdy to nhtng tinh huéng hoc tap va sinh hoat thy té tal che nuéc néi tiéng Anh, n6i dung duoc sip xép theo nguyén tho dé trutic khé sau, theo thif ty nang cao dan. Cudn sich duge chia, am, “Sich cho hgc sinh” va “Séch cho.giéo vien", tien cho vige tur hoc. 1, Sach cho hoe sinh. “Sach cho fige sinh” téng cng c6 7 bal, 6 bai dau [a céc bai tap iuyén nghe, dutoc phan * Joai va sip xép theo dang dé thi nghe IELTS: Bai I ‘chi 'yéu luyén tp’ chit 36, tu ligu duoe Wy tir nhimg doan 461 thoai va bao céo 6 Hien quan dén chit s6 trong dai song thuc t. Vi du: thdi'gian biéu, lich trith du Ich, dia chi, thogi va céc s6 lieu trong cic ban béo cdo hoc thuat nghlén ettu khoa hoc v.v. Bai 2 la, cée, Dal tap.chd trong ky ning nghe va viét, thong qua hinh thie dit tube: phong khéch san khi-di du lich, ghi lai 101 nh&n qua dién thoai va. dién cdc foal mu don, tap.cho thi sinh kha nang ném bit céc théng tin chi yéu va ghi chép théng tin. Bai 3 TA céc bai tap vé xem vi nghe, ding céc hinh anh, biéu 48 viv. dé kiém tra khd nang nghe higu tal flu ca thf sinh, | Bai 4, 5 la nhing bai tap tng hgp, yéu cdu thf sinh sp xép khéi qué ding nhang ! cum tir sic tich dé trd 101 cau fidi, b6 sung thong tin,*hodc lam 48 tre nghigm va chon cd Aiding, sal trén co 86 nghe va hiéu dude. Cée bai tip trong bai 6 ting cudng On luyén ky néng vita nghe via ghi nhé cho thf sinh. Bal 7 cung cfp b6n bO dé thi miu, Bén bo d@ thi nay dugc thiét Ké theo céc hinh thite 48, thi nghe IELTS khée nhau do Hoi déng Anh cung cfp trong nhtiig nam gin day. Ching ti d& ngh|: Trude khi hoc giéo trinh nay, thf sinh c6 thé lam thit mot bo 48 thi miu true 48 kém tra trinh 40 tléng Anh, tim ra nhing diém yéu vé mon Nghe cila minh, 48 cé thé tia hanh luyén tp gido ttinh ndy mot céch c6 myc dich, Trong cfc glal doan tién hanh tuyén tap déu c6 thé chon lam thit céc bal thi miu trong bai 7 46 kiém tra két qué luyén tap. ‘Theo céc tiéu chudn cho diém cia HOt déng Anh, diém t6i da 1a 9 diém, mite diém trung binh 1a 6 diém. M8i bO dé thi nghe ILTS thudng gbm khodng 40 cau, néu thf sinh lam ding 25 chu 18 6 thé dat duge mie diém trung binh 6 diém; néu thf sinh lam ding dui 24 chu, 48 nght nén luyén them bai tap dé nang cao ky nang; néu chi fam ding duéi 12 cdu, didu a6 cho thdy khé nang nghe tiéng Anh eda thf sinh cdn rét kém, can phd tham gla lop luyen nghe tléng.Anh co ba, tat thot chua nén ding kj thi TELTS, 2. Séch cho gido vién "Sieh cho gléo vidn" bao gdm tobn bo nOl dung ghi am va dp én, Nhéng nim gan day, @ nude ngoai viée day hoe tiéng-Anh cdp t6c ngin han. duge xem: 1 mot finh vue chuyén mon dé tién hanh ngbién cits, ddc'két.ra fihtng quy.luat dc bit ca nd, hinh tharih nén mot bo 1y thuyét day hoc hoan chinh, déng thoi dya vao nhimg ly thuyét nay, khong, nging 46t méi, aut ban ‘ra nhng giéo'trinh tudhg dng, Hy'vong vige xuét-ban cub sich nay c6 thé’cung lp ‘cho déng déo ngudi hoc:tiéng Anh mét bd glgo trinh fuyén nghe.thyc dung. Ké stir Khi xudt baninim 1997 dén nay, gi4o.trinh nay. duge céc thi sinh va giéo vien luyén th IELTS hét site hoan nghénh. Trong qué trinh bien soah cudn séch nay, tée-gid da nhan duve sy glip.d6'nhiet tinh cla céc:chuyén gia téng: Anh-Anh, tiéng Anb-Mg.dang lam, viee tal bo phan. dao tao nhan vien chudn bj di du hoe nuféic ngoai cia truding Dai hoc NgOn ngit Bac Kinh, xin dugc bidu th] sy cdm on stu sic. Do trinh’ dQ. ciia.ngudi bién soan ¢6-han, nén trong sich khé tranh khdi nhting khuyét iém, sal s6t. Hy vong nhan dugc, sx g6p ¥ phé binh cla dong. dio ngubi.hoc dé hoan thien ido trin nay. , Nguoi bien’ soan » Contents aie Student’s Book | Unit Two | Form Filing and Table Completion, va i Unit One | Listening Activity No. Letters, Numbers and Numeral |. Listening Activity No. Relationships | Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. 1,..... 12 © Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. 2. 13 | Listening Activity No. Lister Activity No. 3. 15 | Listening Activity No. i 1 Listening Activity No. g_ | Listening Activity:No. Listening Activity No. Z| Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. “Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No, Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. 14 Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. List Activity No. 12A Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. 128 Listening Activity No. 17 Listening Activity No, 13 Listening Activity No, 18 Listening Activity No. 14 Listening Activity No, 19 Listening Activity No. 15 Listening Activity No. 20 Listening Activity No. 16 . Listening Activity No. 17 25 Unit Three Listening Activity No. 18 +26 Description and Location Listening Activity No. 19 Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. 1... Listening Activity No. 2 Listening Activity No. 3 Listening Activity No. 4 Listening Activity No. 5 Listening Activity No. 6. 7 8 9. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No, Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. 20 bo Wi eehhiieetssr Ol + 62 Unit Four : Answering Questions ‘and Multiple Choice Listening Activity No. 1 Listening Activity No. 2 Listening Activity No: 3 Listening Activity No. 4. Listening Activity No. 5... 6 7 8 4 Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening’Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. 13. Listening Activity No, 14 : Listening Activity No. 15. 7% Listening Activity No. 16 79 Listening Activity No. 17 80 Listening Activity No. 18. . 81 Listening Activity No. 19... +82 Listening Activity No. 20. . 2.88 Unit Five Note Coinipletion’ and Trie/False Listening Activity No. 1... 86 Listening Activity No. 2. . 86 © Listening’Activity No. 3 ar Listening Activity'No. 4 se Listening Activity No. 5 ce Listening Activity No. 6 69 | Listening Activity No. 7. % Listening-Activity No. 8. Listening Activity No. 9 Listening Activity No. 10 Listening Activity No: 11 Listening Activity No: 12 Listening Activity No: 18 Listening Activity No. 14. Listening Activity No. 15 Listening Activity No. 16 Listening Activity No. 17...) Listening Activity No. 18. . Listening Activity No. 19. Listening Activity No. 20 Unit Six ‘Summary Listening Activity No. 1 Listening Activity No. 102 Listening Activity No. 3. Listening Activity No. 4. Listening Activity No. 5 . Listening Activity No. 6 . Listening Activity No. 7 . 103 - 104 104 Listening Activity No.8... .. Listening Activity No. 9-....... 106 | Listening Activity No. 10 107 Listening Activity No. 1L....... 407 Listening Activity No. 13. . 109 Listening Activity No. 14. . Listening Activity No. 15 10 Listening Activity No. 16 um Listening Activity No. 17 . na Listening Activity No. at Listening Activity No. Listening Activity No. <1. Unit Seven. Practice Tests ‘Test 1 6 Test 2.. wi Test 3... + 125 Test 4 .. +130 103 j 105 | 108 | 109 | us| Teacher’s Book | Tapescript u Unit One. . Unit Two. . Unit Three. Unit Four, Unit Five. . Unit Six. . Unit Seven. . Test 1. Test 2... 248 Test 3... 254 Test 4 265 | Answer Key 275 2281 | 285 292 | 294 | = 297 = 300 Appendix a A Brief Introduction to the! IELTS Test + 308 Student’s Book Unit One ” Letters, Numbers and Numeral. Relationships —Getting the Facts Trong. phan thi nghe IELTS thudng xudt hien ning cau yeu cau thf sinh danh van va viét ratén ngudt ho&c dja danh, Didu'nay doi hdl thf sinh: khOng-nhing-phdi thude 26 chét céi tiéng Anh, ma con phdi nm duge céch phat am chinh xéc cla ching. Néu céch-phét am cia ban khong chudn thi sé anh hudng dén tinh chinh xée cla am nghe-duoc. Vi dy chit cai “G” trong “gill” thudng bj thi sinh nghe nhdm 1a “7°, con chit cfi “W" thuding bi nghe nhdm thanh “double”. Trong phén thi nghe IELTS thudng xudt hign céc thong tin c6 lién quan dén chat 36, vi dy nhu s6 dién thoai, thal glan, ngly thang v.v., di hét tht sinh phai ném dude, VA ghi Iai chinh xéc.nhdng thong tin nay v6i t6e d® nhanh nhét. ‘Théng qua hinh thifc d6i thoai, béo céo thudng ngay v.v., bai nay tap trung vao tén ngudi, dja danh, chit s6 va céc thong tin cé én quan dén chet sb 4é juyén tap. Muc dich ta 1. Gitip cho thi sinh quen thudc voi nhtng ten ngudl, dia danh, cht s6 va cé¢ thong tin o6 lién quan déh cht s6 thudng gip trong cuge sng hang ngay, déng thal c6 thé danh vin tén ngudi, dja danh, ghi cdc cht s6 va nhong thong tin c6 Hert quan dén chi sé mOt céch chinh xéd trong giao tiép thye té. 2. Thong qua viée djnh vin, viét ra céc cht céi va luyén tap céc.cht sd, bot duOng khd ning vita nghe vita ghi cla ngudl hoc, thay adi cach thie chi nghe khong viet. ‘Trong qua trinh lam céc bai tap trong bai nay, 42 nghi thi sinh khi nghe thy ten ngudi, dia danh va chit s6, phai lp Iai hoc doc thim, Nhu vay 06 thé ting thém én ‘tugng, gitip ich cho vige ghi nhé chinh xéc céc thOng tin c6 lién quan. Trong qué trinh luyén tap’ chit sé, néu da cé thé nghe va ghi duge céc cht sO gdm'ba con s6 thi khé dé d6i ph6 voi nhing chit s6 twong a6i 16n. Bal vi cac chit s6 iéng Anh duge doc theo ting nhém gdm ba con sé. Vi du: 321,321,321 doc la three hundred twenty-one million, three hundred twenty-one thousand, three hundred and twenty-one. In Britain, when giving or asking for telephone numbers, we don’t say thousand, hundred or million, we say each number separately. So 421 6759 is four-two-one, six-seven-five-nine. The ‘0’ is pronoiincéd ‘oh’: 081.436 0872 is oh-vight-one, Jfour-three-six, oh-eight-seven-two, These. numbers are in, groups. The groups are codes for areas in Britain. When we say the numibers, we pause between the groups. How- ever, when the same number occurs twice the word ‘double’ is used with the number. 1994422 is one’ double-nine, double-fout, double-two.’ Listen to’ some dialogues between: a,caller.on.the phone-and a secretary. As you listen, write'the telephone. numbers’and'the spaces below, 1.°Ts that | Yes. Can I'help you? Pd like to speak to onus Please. 2. Hits that Yes. Who do you want to speak to? oan please. 3, Hello. Is that Mod ou wish speak See ; : oe » please: 4. Good morning; Ts that ? ~ Yés. Can I help ‘you? 7 7 1d ike to speak to 5. Pm sorry to iba you, bil is that ? Who do you want to speak to? ly please. In the UK the house number is given first and is followed by the name of the street. These two items are written on the same line, Next, théiname of the city and county are written and are followed by the post code and the country if you are abroad. Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the missing information in the spaces below. : 1. My new address is 23A Smithfield Road Ealing WS London My telephone number is 2. My sister lives at ae Avenue Nottingham Her telephone number is __ 3. My friend Alan lives in London. His address is poe ____ Road | Eiling, London W5 SRF ' His telephone number is 4, My brother Larry's address is His telephone number is __ . My parents live at ‘Their telephone umber is, . My uncle George lives at Her telephone number is . Mr. Johnson lives at His telephone number-is __. G tion of English language schools. The schools must comply with strict-regulations re- garding teacher qualifications and school facilities. EF international language schools in Cambridge, Hastings and Brighton are recognized as efficient by the British Coun- cil, and they are members of the Association for Recognized English Language Teach- ing Establishments in Britain. Here are their addresses. In Great Britain, the British Council operates a voluntary scheme for the inspec- Look at this adtivess list, tick (Vv) if the information is correct, or write in’ the necessary changes. 1. BF Language Schoot EF House 1 Farman Street Hove, Brighton Sugsex BN3-1AW. Tel: 723651 Telex: 77843 2. EF International School of English 7 7 21 Hills Road ses Cambridge CB2 2RL Tel: 240020. Telex: 817713 3. EF International School of English 1-2 Sussex Road Brighton ‘Sussext'BN2 17) “Tel: 571802 : “Telex! 957005 4, EF Intetnational School of English 64/80 Warrior Square Hastings East Sussex TN7 6BP Tel: 432898 Telex: 957005 esmRAcNRINCINS Liston carefully to a conversation between Alison and Alan. Tick (V) if the information is correct, or write in the necessary changes. Alison wants to make a phone call. It’s cheapes to make a call before 6 pm. Telephone directory provides gardening information. Arrange an alarm call before 10:30 pm. Tuesday evpning. You would pay until you talk to the right person. Alison will make a personal call. Listen carefully to the tape and write down the following names and places. Listen to the following dialogue between an operator and an enquirer. As you listen, write down the type of call, name and phone number in, the spaces below. Oecatn” Long distance. May I help you? Caller: Yes. I want to 1. » Please. Operatar;, What is the name of the person, please? Calle: 2, Operator, What Caller: 3, is the number? bistening Activity: Listen to the following dialogue between an operator and an enquirer. As you listen, write down the name, address and phone number in the spices below. Oyersion Directory Enquiries. What city, please? Bageiver 1, Operator: Name? Enquire: 2. sSnEEEEEES Opertor, Thank you. And could you tell me his address? Enquirer: 3, Cpe. ‘The number is 4, Listening Activity No. & Listen to the following dialogue between an operator and an enquirer. As you listen, write down the name, address and phone number in the spaces below. Opewtor: Directory Enquiries. What city, please? Bagaiters Ojeraton: Name? Bnguirer: 2, Operator: And her address? p Enpirer: 3, Operator: The number is 4. eee a You will hear a conversation between a secretary and a student. The ‘secretary is asking the student for information in order to complete an application form for a course. As you listen, fill in the appropriate information on the form below. Surname = 1. (IN CAPITAL LETTERS) First name Country, Age Address | ‘Telephone No. PY RED You will hear. conversation between a secretary and a.student. The secrétary is asking the student for information in order to complete an‘application form for a course. As you listen, fill in the appropriate information on the’form below. Surname CCE ee (IN CAPITAL LETTERS) : First name 2. Country 3. : Age 4. Address 5. Telephone No. 6. Eee ‘You will hear a conversation between a secretary and a student. The secretary is asking the student for information in order to compléte an application form for a course, As you listen, fill in the appropriate information on the form below. ‘Surname (IN CAPITAL LETTERS) First name Country Age Address ! | Telephone No. te ie Listen to: some short dialogues, In each dialogue, you will hear someone ask a question about the tlme, When the answer is given, write down the time in the space below. : 1. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please? B: Yes Ws : f 2. A: Do you have the right time, please? | B: I think it's . i 3, A: Do you know what time the next bus is, please? B: Yes. It's. 4, A: What time do you finish your work today? B: 5. A: When do the shops open, please? 9. A: When does the Paris flight leave, please? 10, A; What time's the next flight to Amsterdam, please? You will hear a’ dialogue. |As you listen, fill in the form below. Time of Dr. Kent's Lecture Monday 1. Room No. 2. Friday 3. Room No. 4. Length of each lecture 5. _ ‘You will hear some announcements from railway stations and airports. These announcements give information to travellers about trains and planes. For each announcement that you hear, ‘write in the box below the: platform, flight number, time and destination. ‘Trains ‘ Listen to the tape carefully and write down the area and population for each city and region. Table 1 Greater London Scotland | Wales I L Northern [reland Table 2 z| & |e es pes ae Birmingham Greater London Listen to the tape and write down the numbers in the correct column. Undergraduate Students at the University Tn Me ae Medicine Dentistry Law | Veterinary Science You are going to practise some percentages. We use percentages when we want to express a number more simply. Percentage meatis the number of X per hundted. For: example, there are 46 students in a class. 23 of them are female students. We can say 50% of the students are female students. “Percent” is said after the number. Skim the table below. Then listen to the tape and fill in the missing percentages in the correct column, British Household Expenditure 1975-1985 ae Telephone Home computer Video recorder You will hear a talk about British trade in 1987. As you listen, write down the numbers in the appropriate places. icant ORDO Tad 667 mee aster vsoam Tete de Erie ee Beste You are going to listen to a talk. Look at the table below first, then listen carefully to'the talk and fill in the percentages in the correct column. we Countries SS. ‘A women’s place is in the home. geal eel if a couple hoth earn money, both should | 1 20. share the housework. fa : | | | Men and women should be paid the same yg A ah | for the same job. | i | Nursing is women’s work. 3. 9. 15. 22, Mining is men’s work. Cooking should still be done by women. | 4, Washing clgthes should stil!be done | it iaew. [28 by women, ‘You aie going to practise some dates. Dates in Britain can be written in two ways. 1) In numbers only: day, mionth, year. So 6-3-94 is the 6" of March, 1994. 2) In numbers and words. For example, you can read day, month, year, of morith, day, year. For example,’ 21-12-1994, you read 21% of December, 1994, or December the 21", 1994, Listen to the following dates. As you listen, tick the correct letter A or B. 1. When's Lincoln's birthday? A. Rebruary 12 B. February 20 2, Do you know Valentine’s Day? A. Rebruary, 15" B. Rebruary 14% 3. When’s Washington's birthday? ‘A. Bebruary 23 B. February 21¢ 4, Do you know when April Fool's Day is? A. April 1s : B. April 3¢ 5, When is Easter? ‘A. Aptil 3 Bi Aptil 1* 6. When is Mother's Day? ‘A. May 5! B. May 8 7. What date is Memorial Day? ‘A. May 13% : B. May, 30" 8, Do you know when Father’s Day is? A. June 19% B. June 9 9. Do you know when Independence Day is? ‘AX July 5 B. July 4 "10, When is Friendship Day? A. August 17 B, August 7 11, When is Halloween? A. October 1* B. October 31# 12, When is Thanksgiving Day? A. November 25" B. November 24i You are going to hear about the circulation of some British newspapers and when they were founded. Listen to the tape’and write down the numbers in the correct column, "Quality Daily Newspaper | The Daily Telegraph ‘The Times | The Guardian The Financial Times Quality Sunday Newspapers: The Sunday Times ‘The Observer The Sunday Telegraph ‘The Daily Express ‘The Sun Sunday Express Unit Two Form Filling and Table Completion —Listening for Specific Details Bai nay téng céng gdm 20 bal tap, ndi dung duge chon loc tit nhting mau dam thoai trong cugc:sng hang ngdy, nhu gol dién thoai, tim viée lam, dat trude phiong khéch san, mé tdi khoan tai ngin hang vv. Trong phan thi nghe IELTS, dang dé thi co ban thuthg gap la dién vao bang/mau (Form filling) hoc hoan thanh bing (Table completion). Céc dé thi dang nay yeu cu thi sinh dién céc thong tin vio trong bang/mau dua tren noi dung nghe dugc,.dé kiém tra kha nang biéu va tinh chinh xéc cla nOi dung nghe dugc. ‘Trong tam cia bal nay [i luyén tap dién vao-bing/mau, muc dich Ia git thf sinh hiéu’ va quent véi: dang 8 thi; thong qua céc méu dim thoai thuéng ngiy, nang cao khd ming nglie thie 16 cda thf sinh, bdi dudng-cho thf.sinh kha nang ném bat cdc thong tin.quan trong:khi nghe cdc méu dam thoai tiéng Anh. ‘Truc khi nghe, thf sinh nén doc ky mOt Iugt cac cau hdi, cau trong bang/mAu, tap thanh théi quen doc ky 48. Phai hoc cdch nhin ngang va nhin doc céc théng tin da cho va céc théng tin can dién vao trong bing/mfu, dé xéc dinh duge myc tiéu trong dau. Nhu vay trong qué trinh Aghe. méi.c6 thé tim duge thong tin cha thiét mot cach c6 chi dich, déng thdi ndm bat chinh xéc théng tin cin ghi chép va dién vao ding cot. You will hear a dialogue. As you listen, fill’ in the form below. Family name First name Length of English study ‘Examinations passed Score Subjects needing help Biggest problem Nove eNr You will hear a dialogue. As you listen, form below. Which subject put first, Reasons Second Third Foutth ‘Which subject put last Reasons | soy ernr You will hear two telephone conversations involving an invitation. As you listen, fill in the forms below. Conversation 1 Receiver's telephone No. Receiver’s name Reason for phoning What will they do When will they do it [weeps Conversation 2 Reeeiver’s telephone No. Caller’s name Receiver's namé Why can’t they meet on Friday 1. 2 3 4. 5. sunny spells, strong winds, rain & ‘A man is looking for a new flat. He is talking to an estate agent. Listen carefully aid fill'in the form below. Rental Application Form any Caller’s full name Address ‘Telephone No. Occupation Employer Listentag Aetiviiy Now 6 Listen to a conversation between a landlord and a tenant. Imagine you are the tenant. Listen carefully and fill in the form below. Is the room available? ‘Number of beds in the room Facilities to be shared with others Number of people who are sharing the facilities now Is there a phone in the house? Cén thé tenants indke calls'in the house? ‘The rent ‘The rent is: due ‘The first month's payment ‘Telephone number eae ‘You will hear a conversation at the customis in Gatwick Airport. As you ‘listen, fill in the form below. % Surmarne First name Sex Daté of birth Nationality Occupation Reason for travel in the UK Address in the UK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7 8. You're a. member of the staff in a lost’ property office in a department store. A. ‘woman comes to your office to report that she has lost something. As you listen, fill in the report form with the information she gives you. Lost Property Report Item Total value Description Last time noted Last place noted If found, notify: Name. Address Phone No. ONINDESTY You will hear an interview between a young woman who has applied for a po- sition with a company. and the personnel officer of the company. As you listen, fill in the form below. ‘Name of applicant University attended Subject Year of graduation Work experience: aeNs Last position 5 Years 6. Salary 74 8. 9. Previous work Years New job's salary Benefitof the job You will hear four telephone messages, As you listen, write down the important information given by the callers. : : Message 1 Caller’s name | Message for Message Ring back Message 2 Receiver's ‘phone No. Caller’s name Message for Message 3 Receiver’s phone No. Callér’s namie Message for Message Phone No. ‘Message 4 Rectiver’s plione No. Caller’s name Message for Message You are going to hear an interview on transportation. As you listen, fill in the form below, Questions You will hear a conversation. As you listen, fill in the missing information in the form below. : Reason for call Personnel manager’s name Caller's fame Caller’s epllege Callers subjects in college Caller’s Wwork experience What foreign languages can the caller speak? Interview place Interview time Documents caller must take to the interview aes ‘You will hear an interview. As you listen, fill in the form about Miss Wood. Sumame 1 First name _ 2. Country 3. Marital status 4. Education 5. 6. Ge 8. 9. 0. Present occupation Number of years for the present occupation How many languages can she speak? Interests Previous employment 10. Ci BSEImlacee ens ‘You will hear a dialogue between a bank officer and a customer. As you listen, fill in the form below. : City to which money is to-bé transferred Name of the bank Recipient of the money Recipient's address Account number Amount of money to be transferred ‘That amount in American dollars Sender of the money Sender’s address . Fastest method of sending money overseas 10. Method chosen by customer You, are going to listen to a conversation between a student and a clerk at Barclays Bank, Listen carefully and tick'{/) if the information is correct, or write in the necessary changes. Example: ‘The student wants'to open a bank account. He is going to London University in August. ‘The grant is paid by the British Council | A student account offers a chequebook , and an account book. ‘The card can be used 24 hours a day in the bank machine. 2h It also can be used for a chequebook. \ Up to £500, interest is 6%. A student account offers a £150 overdraft. You need: a letter from some authority Sxone a library card simple forms about your course your previous work employment Mile _ your adéress and signature |. We Listen to Jane on the tape talking ‘about her relatives. Tick (¥/) if the informa tion is correct, or write in thé necessary changes. Aunt Elme is my father’s sister. She has got 2 grown-up children. She is.a housewife. Louise is.a housewife. She is divorced. Unele Tom is a bank manager. Lewis lives in Paris. Roger is Jane’s uncle. He is a sales manager. Mark studies in’ Oxford University. He ig talking to his sister. Julia is a student at, university, She is looking for a room to rent. She has seen ‘an advertisement and has decided to phone the landlord. As you listen, fil in the form below. Caller’s name ‘Address of accommodation ‘Telephone No. ‘The rent ‘Type of room available Rooms shared: Deposit House rules Is it close to public transportation? Appointment time SA RE yore living room bathroom, . kitchen i bedroom | ‘You will hear a conversation. As you listen, fill in an accident report form with the information you heat. ACCIDENT REPORT FORM. Name of casualty: . Age: Address: Occupation: Details of accident: Date Time Category of accident: Road ___ Domestic Sporting __ Other Injuries sustained: Witness’s name: : Address: el z : | Action: Police notified Family notified Employer notified Casualty officer: ‘You are going to hear b talk about some voleanoes. Look at the’ chart below. Listen carefully to the talk and write down the missing information in the correct place. Mount Tambora Indonesia You will hear a dialogue between a student and a landlord. The student has seen an advertisement and is phoning the landlord to find out more about it, As you listen, fill in the form below. ‘Telephone number. 1. Address ‘Type of room | Rent | ' | Day rent due “Deposit amount 2. 3. 4, Shared rooms 5. 6. 7. 6. 9. When is the room available 10. Nearest tube station Als House rules Public transport Appointment time 12, Unit Three Description and Location’ —TIdentifying People/Items from Descriptions Bai nay téng cong gdm 20 bai tap. Trong tim luyén tap. 14 m6 td nhan vat escription) va x4c dinh vj tf (Location). Hal ky ming nay khong thé thiéu tong cudc s6ng hang ngay cia ching ta, hon nifacé lidn quan mat thiét d&n cudc sing thyte té 4 nude ngoai. : V6i céc hinh 4nh, bang, biéu 48 v.v., thong qua ndi dung mé té nhan vat hoc su chi dn vé vi tri, phuong huéng nghe duge, bai nay, giip thf sinh chon ra dugc ngudi hodc vi tri cdn tim. Théng qua céc bai tap bdi dudng cho thi sinh ky nang téng hop via nghe, vita xem, vita ghi. Khi lam céc bai tap vé hinh anh, thi sinh nén chi ¥ nhimg diém giéng nhau va khée nhaw git cde’ nhan’vat trong hinh, 48 nang cao ty 1¢ lam ding, -Khi lam. céc bal tap vé x4c dinh vi tri, phai xem ky nhiing thong tin da cé trong hinh, nhit tén dung, dia danh. Nhu vay, khi lam bai t§p nghe, cho dit khéng nghe kip chi dn, chi cln ban . nhé duige céc dja danh trong hinh thi.cting 6 teh cho vide xée dinh vi trf, bal vi Khi via ra chi din thudng ding céc dja danh da c6 trong hinh, vi du: opposite the church, behind the school, or next to the post office. ' Task 1 You are going to listen to a conversation about how to make English-style tea. As you listen, put the missing words in the blanks below. . First, put___-___ water in a kettle, the water. | ° the teapot. . Let the tea Pour a little Then pour Add some 1 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. oe 9. to the tea, : 7 Task 2 Listen to the conversation ngs Ax yo i te fering ere he correct order. | re enenvrese | | Task 1 Listen to a-conversation between Mary, and her brother, Jack. As: you listen, " complete the instructions about how to use the water heater. A, Phig in the | B. Close the tap which is the drainage tap. C. The water tank takes about __.. minutes to fill up. D. Open the black one which is the tap, ; E. About. later, you should have .. _.. water. Task 2 Listen to’ the conversation again. Follow the instructions and put them in the correct order. : Task 1 Look at the following. pictures and listen carefully to the news. As you listen, pick out the wanted man according to the deseription. 2G | Task 2 Listen to the news again and complete the following statements. |. Police are looking for the wanted man for= . ‘The man escaped with goods valued at around . They included items of jewellery, a stereo, | and . The description was given by 1 2. 3 4 5. The man has a __ face and a nose. 6. 7. 8. . The fran was wearing . The man has a on his left cheek. Pl oonact he nearest _ ___ if anyone can offer assistance. Task 1 Look at the following’ pictures and listen the news. As you listen, pick out the wanted man according to the description. Task 2 Listen to the news again and answer’ the following questions, . Where did the man break into a factory? . How much money has been stolen? . How did-he get away? . Why is the shan dangerous? . What should people do if they see him? wReNe Task 1 Listen to-a conversation between Jim and:Kathy. As you listen, pick out Kathy's’ sister according to the description. ‘Task 2 Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. oe aero . Where is Kathy going to meet her sister? When will they meet? Why can’t Kathy meet her sister herself? . Has Jim met Kathy’s sister before? ;. How old is Kathy’s sister? What does Diana usually wear? Task 1 ; % Listen to a conversation. between a customer and a policeman. As you listen, pick out the man the lady described. Task 2 Lodk at the following statements, Tick (/) if the information is corrector writé in the necessary changes. 1. A man just stole a lady's purse. et a . He was tall and thin, . He was in his twenties. }. His hair is black. He was wearing jeans and a jacket. ‘The purse was brown. . And it-was made of leather. rown on Task 1 You will hear a dialogue between a policeman and a lady who has lost her daughter. As you Hsten, work out who is the lady’s daughter. Task 2 ‘Look at the following statements. Tick (/) if the information is correct, or write in the necessary changes. PH . Mary went to school this morning. . She lives at 31° Bath Road. |. Mary is ill |. Mary is 9 years old. }. She has long black hair. She is wearing: ween n 6. a white long-sleeved blouse. 7. a pink and white striped skirt. 8. long stockings and brown shoes. You are going to listen. to a conversation. As you listen, tick the right letter according to the directions. : Look at the diagram below and listen to the directions. As you listen, follow the directions and then write the appropriate number beside the name of each place, ‘ 5 the university library the supermarket, the hotel the best bookshop the Lloyds Bank Look carefully at the street plan below, follow the sets of directions and then answer the questions at the end of each set of directi King’s Hotel : waoa— | P| dee | im Avenue 1. What's the building on your left? 2. What's the bui on your right? 3. What's the building on your right? Look at the map of Maple Town, You will hear five separate sets of directions to particular places on the map. As you listen, follow the directions. carefully and write the letter beside the name of the place, Find the station at the bottom left first. Listen carefully to,the directions, the bookshop . the coffee bar the chemist’s the hotel wr eS the art museum | i i Look at the map below. You will hear six separate sets of directions to a certain place on the street plan, As you listen, follow the directions carefully, then write the appropriate letters beside the names of the places below. The first one starts at the car park. car Park + the post office y . the bank . the Windsor Hotel the Chinese restaurant . the newsagent’s anne . the grocers Listening AG You are going to listen to a conversation between Janet and her friend. Janet is telling he# friend about her holiday. As you listen, write down brief notes in the boxes below about her: holiday. Saturday Sunday * Monday ; ' Tuesday } rcocl Wednesday ‘Thursdhy Task 1 You will hear a. dialogue between two students. One of them is describing a route on the map. Draw a line to show the route taken. If the student went in- side any of that place named on the map, mark that place with a cross (X). erence j i } Ware Cem Task 2 Listen to the conversation again and list the places the student went to, and * then write the reasons the student went to these places: N = & as Listening Activity. Now ie ‘You are going to listen to a talk about children’s safety at home. Look at the table below. Listen to the talk and fill in the missing information in the correct column, po tinier Bea noeaeneee | What children | What children” ‘What children | What children | can see can'tsed an find. | can do 7 7 je ‘a (iceneeeee | pan handles, | panes of glass | medicine, | climb the stairs ' Jead on the in doors or | household and don’t know * kettle screens, cleaners. how to get At home things left on ) down the floor | fina | | | trip or fall over | can’t tell the | | | things | difference | ‘The dangers | | \ | ‘What can you do: 1. You can help Keep them safe by planning] __ and making the right 2, You can. medicines and make it more difficult for children to ____________ or grab hot things. 3, You should tum ______ away from the front of the cooker. 4, You'd better _____ all fires and heaters. 5, You should use _____ on stairs and teach them how to go the stairs. | Look at the picture on the sheet in front of you, This is Kevin’s bed-sitting room. He is describing his room. to his friend. As you listen, draw in the furni- ture in the sight places-in, the picture, using a square or a.cirele to mark in-the furniture as. described. Just.a°quick sketch will do. + ‘door? window Sally bought 4 new house’a few days ago-in a small village. She is phoning her friend Richard and inviting him for dinner at the weekend. Sally is giving di- rections to get to her house. Look at the map. listen, take notes and mark Sally’s house with a cross (X). NEISUL Read the timetable below and study it by yourself for a few minutes. Find out what the following symbols and letters mean. You are going to listen to five conversations between a new information officer and passengérs. Look at the timetable and check whether the information offi- cer provides correct information or not by writing T for true and F for false’ be- side each number. Conversation 1 _ Conversation 3 Conversation § Conversation 2 _ tae 1980 t 18 Nay Nn! Sundays ‘enon su Pace | Se ncres on Nottingham 0730 50. ‘0830 #« 800 so. 0926 ax 030 1390'6« 1200 60 1225 ax “1390 ox 1330 to 1430 9x 1500 éo 1805 sx 1630.20 1630 fox 1680 fo 1085 fox 1706 fo 1725 fax 1928 fo 1730 so 1830 1990 sx 2000 60 2080 ex D_ 210080 Ae 2000 © 2300 ax © 2800 0x A@ 2330 60 1230 1460. <= xxX, From the Brilish Council. D. From the Student Unién. 16. How much could the student get as an emergency loan? A. Up to £200. ‘ B. About £250. ©. $220. 1D. £2,000. Questions 17-20 Write a word or a number in the spaces provided. 17. Would the Union be able to provide a long-term emergency accommodation? 18. How much money does the student have left? _ 19. Will the student apply for an emergency loan? __ 20, How does the student feel after vies with the welfare officer? Questions 21-25: : ' r Complete the statements below. Use up to three words. 21. The Student Union is run by four 22, The president is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Union according to established policies Z 23. A new vice-presidential post has beeti created to focus on 24, One way to improve communications within the college will be A. with regular meetings of the Student Union, : B. with the regular publication of the Student Union magazine, C. with regular elec D. with regulaé visits by journalists. * Ss. 25. One possible way to see the president is A. to fix a time with the office assistant, Pat. B, to call the president ‘directly. to leave a notice for the president. D. to drop in the president's office. Questions 26-30 Indicate whether the following statements are accurate or not by writing A for an accurate statement; I for an inaccurate statement; NN if the information is not given. 26. The president advises students not to waste time on relaxation and enjoyment. 27. The Student Union is a very helpful organization. 28. Central London is only 20 minutes away by tube from Ealing. 29. The Student Union is an organization run by the college. 30. The president is a third-year, student at Ealing College. Questions 31-35 Fill in the gaps numbered 31-35 in the notes below. A Vice-president Finance 31. the spending of the Union's grant to ensure that all areas of Student Union activity run smoothly without any 32, . There are 33. __ members on the finance team. We are all here-to help you 34, ___a8 we can. Although I administer the Union's finances, in the end, it is you who have the 35. in expenditure policy, either directly or through the Executive Finance Committee. ; : : Questions 36-38 Indicate whether the following statements are true or not by writing 'T: for a statement which is true; F for a.statement which is false; 2. af there is insufficient information. 36. The speech is a vice-president’s introduction. 37. The speech is an election speech. 38, The vice-president is increasing the number of hours that the Finance Office is open. Test 2 Listen to the interview and fill the missing information in the form. If a stu- dent’s experience in the first homestay is positive or very good, make two ticks (V7), Hits OK, make one tick . If it’s not good and negative, make a cross 0. Name Countty. [renee Fumi Japan Linda is ‘fest t hontestay They give me freedom. Example: : 1 feel safe. ‘They are very nice but the food}, impression of |’ Expatletice of frst Homestay Example: | 3 months | Ali ‘The room is terrible and the meal is ae Questions 9-15 You are going to listen. to a conversation, As you listen, complete the notes below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in ‘each space. Napoleon was born in 9. | on the island of Corsica, When he was ten, his father sent him to a 10. _ school. Napoleon was not a brilliant student but he excelled in 11. __and military science. When he was 16 years old he joined the French army. His military 12. __- brought him fame, power and riches. He became a13.______ when he was only 24 and a few.years later he hecaine 14. of France. His'coronation ceremony was at Notre Dame on 15. » Napoleon won many military victories because his soldiers were ready to die for him. He was a great military leader, Questions 16-20 Indicate whether the following statements are-true or not by writing T for.a statement which is true; F for a statement which is false;’ N if the information is not given. 16, Napoleon controlled all of Europe at one time. “17, Austria and Russia fought fiercely against Napoleon, but England did not. 18, Napoleon lost most of his soldiers when he attaclted England. 19, Napoleon died before he reached the‘age of fifty-two. 20. He was married when he was very young. Questions 21-23 You will hear a talk on ocean spills, As you listen to the talk, circle the appro: priate letter for questions 21-23. 21, The plastic toys were washed off the. ship Asin Algska. |, B. in the Pacific Ocean, C. in the Arctig Qcean. D. in the Bering Sea. 22. How long did it take the first ducks to arrive at the beach? A. About two weeks. : B, About two months, C. About ten months. D, About twelve months. 23. Who were most excited by the plastic toys? A. The reporters. B1 C, The children. dD. \e tow? 16 Ce Questions 24-30 ‘Complete the notes: blow by writing NO: MORE THAN THREE wonps in the spaces provided. 24, The floating toys made it possible to study ocean _ and ‘winds. 25, Some toys floated the North’ Pacific, while others headed for the North Atlantic. 26. Many of the toys were . hottheast by the wind and were expected to cross the North Pole. 27. In 1990, a ship from Korea to the west coast-of _. was caught in a storm, 28, There were pairs of Nike shoes spilt into the water, 29. People set up to find matches for their shoes since they arrived one at a time. 30, Many pairs of running shoes are still on their around the world, Questions 31-38 Complete the notes below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ‘in the spaces provided. Julia feels guilty. She knows that most chocolate has 31. __ but she can’t stop eating it because she is 32. “it, Choedlate #8 a 33! food for the people all over the world. They spend over 34. 2. on it for Valentine’s Day. ‘The idea of 35. ___ chocolate started in the 19% century. Before that, the Aztecs drank bowls of chocolate to 36... When chocolate was ‘brought ‘to Spain, people thought it was 37,0 that 38. chocolate with sugar made a wonderful drink. __ because it tasted bitter. Soon people discovered Questions 39-40 Circle the appropriate letter. 39, .No one in Spain could talk about chocolate A. bécalise it lasted bitter. B. because the.king loved it. C. because, the king put out an order, D,-pecausg the dives made it, into drinks, 40. People who cat chocolate are healthier ' A. because it betaine a popular tin in Burope. B. because it jadi bea with milk. Cy because it doesn’t have much fat or sugar. D. because feeling pleasure can protect against iliness. Questions 1-4 Listen to a conversation between a foreign student arid the accommodation secretary of a college, and complete the accommodation table. wt College Accommodation i ‘Types of room | Names of sired roonis I pe ite | Bxample: | Example: a single bedroom =~ a bathroom ja, Questions 5-9 : ‘ Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 5. What kind of washing-machines are there in the laundetettes? ‘ gm 2 ? g e = 2 5 F gs e & | 3 g 2 7. Where can the students watch TV? 8. What kind of accommodation provides breakfast and dinner? ‘What kind of accommodation does the student sign up for? 2 Questions 10-14 Fill in the gaps numbered 10-14. ‘ Nationality Home address Age Programme Questions 15-17 Circle the correct answer. 15, What dietary requirements does the student have? ‘A. German food. B. Britis C. Vegetarian. D. No requirement. 16, What kind of sports does the student like very much? A, Football. B. Basketball. C. Skiing. D. Swimming 17. What kind of family does the student want to live with? .( A. A large family. B. A family with children around his age. C. A family with young children, D. A family with two boys. Questions 18-20. Tick (v) if the information is correct or write in the changes. Bxample: Answer Name of the family is Roberts. ee ha Mr. Roberts is a clerk. a bank manager Mrs. Roberts is a full-time teacher. ‘They have two children. ‘The student will stay in the boy’s room. 20. Tou’ 8.0% ons: 20 oe N Questions 21-27 Complete the table showing the time, name of the programme and place in a social activity programme. A Social Activity Programme Mare a he TOS | Ream: 20:00 Singing with Guitar ‘Monday 21:00 21. Tuesday Tennis 27. Questions 28-32 Listen to the second part of the conversation and complete the table. Where to sign up ‘When to sign up 31. Bus departure time | 32. | Questions 33-34 Charles and Belinda are meetihg’at a hotel for an anniversary conference. Look at questions’ 33-34 below. Tick (v) the relevant boxes in the table. By train By taxi Question 35 Tick (v) the relevant boxes in the table. Very quick Comfortable — TEE ETRE 35. Advantages of the train mentioned by: Charles Regular service Nice view | \ | ‘Nicé lunch Questions'36-40 ; ; i Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 36. Why did Charles come by'coach last time? 37. When did he leave home? 38. How long did the journey take? | 39. How many coaches are there during the day? 40, What will Belinda try next time? Questions 1-6 Listen to a conversation between two students talking about markets in London. and complete the market list. Market List Address: East Street SE17 Leather Lane WC1 Lane E1 9 am-12 noon | Sunday mornings Mon.-Sat. except Walthamstow B17 | 4. Wed., Sun. : Mon.-Sun. Brixton SW9 9 am-6 pm half day on Wed} > - : Chalk Farm, Camden High St. | . 8 6. Cainden ‘Town i 1 Questions 7-9 ‘Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 7. Who is Barbara going to shop with? 8, How is Barbara travelling to the shops tomorrow? 9. What time are they going to meet? Questions 10-14 Listen 'to’a talk about the Women’s Conference and circle the correct answer. 10. How many meetings are going to be held from August to September in Beijing? A2 B.3 C4 D5 11. When will the Non-governmental Organization Forum on’ Women be held? A. From August 13 to September 8, 1995. B. From August 30 to September-8, 1995, C, From September 4 to September 15.1995. D. From September 4 to September 16, 1995. 12, Where was the Third World Conference on’ Women hield? A. In Beijing. B, In Mexico City. C. In Copenhagen, D. In Nairobi, 13, How many people are expected to attend the Fourth World Conference on Women? A. 30,000. B. 184, C.. About 6,000, D. About. 60,000. 14, How many yeats has it taken to prepare for the Fourth World Conference in Beijiig? A. 18 years, B. 10 years. C. 5 years, D. 3 years. Questions 15-17 : Listen to the directions and match the places in questions 15-17 to the appropri- ate letters A-G on the campus map. Example:. The campus branch bank 15. Students! Library 16, Studént Union 17. Bookstore Cafetoria ‘Candie Lane Chapel tags ‘ e ary Fr Questions 18-20 Look at this note. Tick (V) if the information is correct or write in:the necessary changes. ‘1 Note Example: ql Answer ‘The director is Mr. Cole. | Mr, Smith _ There will be a reception after the tour. The reception starts at 5:00. is on the 1% floor. is in Room 304. Questions 21-24 . You are going to hear a.conversation between Maria and Jack. Listen. to the conversation and write dowa their opinions about some of these things. Com- plete the table showing the weather, the rooms, their roommates and food. fine and sunny 7 Sriendly E Example: disgusting, Mei raining | 2 fe has no taste Questions 25-32 Complete the table showing the number of-points, 1, 2, 3 or 4, scored to the university facilities. we Listen to a talk and complete the statements below. 33. One of the crucial problems we face now is the ___ problem. 34, People say we live in a society. 35. Recycling and reuse cait stop thé f-waste-and-can also‘help save energy. 36. To stop'sing catt help to save wildlife and-habitats. 37. It's suggested to buy -godds for-the kitchen and bathroom. 38, Doi't use that contain chemicals that do harm to the environment. 39. is a good way to save energy. : : 40, Using public transportation can avoid problems.

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