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RHGP Lesson Plan

● Date: September 01 - 04, 2020 (Synchronous and Asynchronous)

● Grade Level: Grade 11 - Grade 12
● Topic: Proverbs of the Week and Virtues of the Month

I. Objectives:
1. Explain the virtue of sportsmanship and cite examples.
2. Explain the virtue of cooperation and cite examples.
3. Re-introduce proverbs and cite its importance in the life of a student.
4. Participate in a synchronous mindful session.

II. Materials:
● Powerpoint Presentation (please create your own PPT using the information from this
LP, you may add your additional information if you want).

● Videos of the ff.:

- Lupang Hinirang
- DGS Hymn
- Energizers
- Mindfulness Activity
- Sportsmanship Videos: Two Bitter Rivals or Sacrifice for
- Cooperation Videos: Why Cooperation is Important or Build
Character Build Success: Cooperation
- Tutorial Videos: Google Classroom - Submit An Assignment,
Google Classroom - Submit Assignment // Teaching Tech with
Toys, Mentimeter Tutorial - Create your first Mentimeter
presentation, How To Use PinUp
● Other visual/audio aids you will need to discuss the lesson
III. Discussion and Instructions: (Day 1 - 4: synchronous and asynchronous)
Note: You will decide how you will divide these into 4 days.

A. Routine:
- Prayer
- Lupang Hinirang
- DGS Hymn
- Checking of attendance (do not record on your SDAR yet, however reflect
absence/tardiness in CAR)

B. Energizer: Start with an energizer (activity is based on teacher’s discretion).

C. Introduction:
- Ask students about what they learned from last week’s topic.
- Welcome new students added to the group if there are any.
- Remind students about the rules discussed last week.
- Inform the students that this week, RHGP sessions will be focused
on two words: Sportsmanship and Cooperation. These are our
virtues of the month. What are virtues? Define it as the moral
excellence of a person. Morally excellent people have a character
made-up of virtues valued as good. These people act according to
values and principles and do not bend to impulses, urges, or
- Why do we need to practice virtues? There are 4 universal virtues
recognized by all cultures as basic qualities of well-being called
cardinal virtues: prudence, temperance, fortitude, justice. People
are born with good and bad qualities which is why virtues need to
be cultivated to become more prevalent in our life.
- Ex of virtues: honesty, courage, patience.
D. Discussion:
- Tell your students that for the month of September, they will learn
and apply in their lives the virtues of Sportsmanship and
Cooperation. Show this video: Two Bitter Rivals or this: Sacrifice
for Sportsmanship
- Define sportsmanship as the ethical, appropriate, polite, and fair
behavior while participating in a game/competition. This can also
mean a commitment to playing the game in a fair manner and
accepting the result for whatever it may be. This simply means
that with sportsmanship, there are no dirty tactics or cheating
employed to win a game/competition, as well as being able to
accept defeat/loss without catching bad feelings for the members
of the other team. Through sportsmanship, we also display general
goodwill towards our opponent.
- How can we show sportsmanship?
a. Shaking of hands before and after the game
b. Clapping for your team and while not booing the other teams
c. Helping an injured member of the other team
d. Accepting loss
e. Being happy for the other team if they win
- Remind students that sportsmanship is a way of showing respect.
- Ask them how they define the word cooperation. Show this video:
Why Cooperation is Important or this: Build Character Build
Success: Cooperation
- Define cooperation as the willingness and ability to work with
others to reach a common purpose/goal. When you cooperate with
other people, you have more positive social interaction and you
gain more friends. Often, people who display cooperation have a
mindset of “We can do more working together than I can do
alone.” or “Success is gained when everyone works together.”
- How can we show cooperation?
a. Helping with household chores.
b. Listening to adults who give instructions and following the
instructions they gave.
c. Helping/participating in group activities with your classmates.
d. Listening to and being supportive of other people’s opinions
and ideas even when you might not agree with them.
e. Taking only your fair share when offered a group task.
- Inform the students that now they have learned what
sportsmanship and cooperation is, we will try to observe if they are
practicing these two virtues for the whole month of September.
Re-introduce proverbs of the week as gems of wisdom that will
help them remember and apply these two virtues in their everyday
- Flash the proverbs for this week and ask the students to read (your
discretion if silently or aloud). Inform them that every two weeks, there
will be a new proverb for the week related to the virtues of the
month. Discuss what the proverbs mean. It means that we may
come from different places, social-economic status, opinions and
beliefs, but we should all work together to achieve our common
goals despite these differences. You should not criticize other
people for having different beliefs/opinions/thoughts/suggestions
than yours. You should accept that they can think for and
represent themselves and you are partnered together/put together
in a group to guide and help each other. Relate to what they have
learned in cooperation and sportsmanship (you may have them unmute
their mic to share their answers to the group).
E. Activities:
- PROVERB OF THE WEEK: “We are not put on this earth to see
through one another, but to see one another through.” (there will be
no output for this week as we only introduced it to them)

- Mindful Practice (you may choose which mindfulness activity you would like
your students to participate in- this activity will be implemented daily for 4

- Using Mentimeter or PinUp , ask the students the ff. questions:

1. Think about the times you worked in a group. Look for a
meme that describes your experience and post it in as an
answer/in our canvas.
2. Was there a time when you had difficulty in cooperating with
your groupmates? Follow-up: (choose a student to share with the
group) What made it difficult and what did you think you could
have done to make it easier?
3. Imagine that you get out of bed one morning in a rotten
mood and you feel like being totally uncooperative for the
whole day. Write down one thing that you could do to change
your outlook from being uncooperative to cooperative.
4. Do you like winning? Follow-up: (choose a student to share with
the group) What makes you like or dislike winning?
5. How should you react to losing?

Ask the students to create a tagalog slogan on what they have learned about
sportsmanship and cooperation. Assign this as a classwork in the google
classroom. Submission is until Monday, September 07.
Note: You may show this video to the students so they will learn how to properly hand in their
homework, you may share this video to the parents as well in their FB Group Page so they can
assist their child in submitting the homework. Google Classroom - Submit An Assignment or
this Google Classroom - Submit Assignment // Teaching Tech with Toys

1. Do not record the attendance on the SDAR yet instead reflect attendance in
your CAR. List down students who came in late and who were absent.
Note: Wait until you have enough students before starting your class but you don’t need to
wait for everyone to arrive so you can start your discussion for the RHGP lesson on time. Give
15mins. grace period for students to join your online class before listing them as late.

2. If you were not able to finish the discussion on mindfulness from last week’s
plan, you may continue discussion before starting discussion for this week’s
plan. Be able to finish mindfulness discussion until Tuesday, September 01
only to give ample time for discussion of this week’s plan.

3. Upload this week’s proverbs in your google classroom stream.

4. Ask the students to follow the Facebook Page of the Guidance Office so they
will be updated on college/university admissions as well as scholarship grants.
They may message the Guidance Department for questions/inquiries on
College Applications/Career choices.

5. Ask the students to prepare the ff. requirements before Sep. 15:
- 1x1 ID picture (with name)
- 2x2 ID picture (with name)
- PSA Birth Certificate
- Gr. 11 Report Card

Prepared by: Ms. Ivory R. Alieger

OIC, Guidance Department

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