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Elena Rodriguez

Sept 2, 2020
Health 9
Topic: Write a short story of 5-6 paragraphs about a situation where someone or something negatively 
affected your self-esteem and what did you do to resolve the situation at the time. Say how it made you 
feel? What was your reaction? What could another response and say what actions helped you get out of 
that situation​? 
Growing up as a new, different, and internet influenced generation, we are all negatively 
impacted by social media everyday. As for an example of this statement, I am sure I am not the only one 
who daily compares to any social media image. From the second we wake up to when we go to sleep, we 
are constantly reminded of an ideal lifestyle that we are supposed to obsess over. 
70% of girls from ages from 15-17 are affected by low self esteem issues, leading to starving and 
avoiding eating just for their appearance, and 25% self harm because of their negative overthinking of 
their identity. This is an issue that is not only very harmful, but also really hypocritical. We are not only 
self consciously comparing ourselves to others, but we are participating in a wrong idea of what society 
is meant to be. We all struggle with accepting ourselves, our bodies, and even our lifestyles, and lose who 
we are for wanting what they are. Not only do we think everything in social media influencers’ lives are 
perfect, when they also struggle in proving to themselves they are good enough.  
We should be instead of portraying the idea of what a perfect life is, a good body, a good mental 
stability, and overall a good life, we instead should promote different stereotypes of skin races, body 
types, and many more. This is a problem that leads to many more issues, and should be eliminated from 
our brains. A perfect life and person isn't a checklist, and that's what society should show. 
Many things in our minds are negative, and we should all work for a new accepting generation 
that not only accepts but self loves who we are despite our differences.   

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