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Assassins – My first fan-made expansion for Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress

Hey there,
a while ago I bought the Assassinorum: Execution Force boardgame from Games Workshop. After
some time I wrote some home-brew rules and bought new hostiles, because I thought it was to easy
and even created some new maps, objectives and mission modes.
Now I got Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress and after my very first game session I already
had some ideas to start with. Wouldn’t it be nice to use the assassins as explorers? And what about
all this possibilities the rules give you?
So I wrote down and tested my ideas. But after some time I thought all this effort would be futile if
just me and my friends could benefit, so I translated all into English and used my non-existing
GIMP-skills so everyone can have some fun with my work.

Ladies and gentlemen, here it is, my first totally unofficial, from-a-fan-for-fans-made expansion for
Blackstone Fortress!
OK, enough self-laudation, all W40k, WQuest, etc. rights belong to GW and so on and so forth ...

What’s all this about?

As I mentioned I really loved the assassins from Execution Force and I wanted them as explorers
for Blackstone Fortress, so I created some rules and explorer sheets for them. You can use them
together with the other explorers or play assassins only.

What do I need to play this?

First, you need the 4 assassin miniatures from the GW boardgame Execution Force. If you don’t
own the game or don’t want to buy it you can buy them one by one at GW or look for alternatives
(e.g. at Wargame Exclusive, I think they got some pretty nice miniatures there).
Second you need a (colour-)printer and paper (I would recommend 200g/m2, because it is nearly as
stable as the original cards and most printers can (more or less) handle it, but please read your
printers specifications before ruining it) and a scissor.
Last but not least you need some cardboard, I would recommend 2,5 mm strong hard cardboard
(you may get it at your local art supplies shop or from packaging cardboard) and a scalpel/exacto

What’s in the box/download?

The folder contains explorer sheets for all 4 assassins with normal and inspired side and a new ship
in the original game optic. I used some pictures from the web (scans are unfortunately too unclean)
and GIMP2 to create these. The rules are alpha-tested but need a lot more beta-testing, because the
assassins seem to be a little bit overpowered.
(There are a lot of pixel errors, blurry areas and artefacts on them and there might be typos or
unclear formulations, I’m sorry ...)

Here we go, DOWNLOAD:

So, what’s next?

First, I’m currently working on an expansion with a new campaign, new tiles, new explorations and
tyranids (because we all know THERE CAN’T BE A GOOD DUNGEON CRAWLER IN THE
Second, I’m working on some new explorations with new objectives and special rules for the
assassins, because if you have assassins you want to assassinate something!
Third, the setting of Assassinorum: Execution Force was really nice so I want to create an
adaption/crossover for Blackstone Fortress.
Ask me anything about, give me some feedback or cool suggestions and help me testing my ideas to
make this great boardgame even better!
I hope you have fun with my work!


P.S.: No, I don’t have Photoshop, because a wise (or very stupid) man once said: “Everything you
can do with Photoshop you can also do with GIMP (you just need a lot more skill and plug-ins and
time etc. PP.)”.

Fan-disclaimer: Not every rule and name is correctly corresponding to the original fluff, e.g. is
Vindictor a fictional name and no title like the other names (but I thought „Assassin-at-Marque“
wouldn‘t fit into the game) and Life Drain does drain the life of your foe, but doesn‘t give it to you
(but I thought it would be a nice rule to use).

„WAIT, where are the resource cards? How am I supposed to get Shade inspired without the
Polymorphin card?“
Ah shit, you got me. While the most of the resource cards are already balanced and translated, the
layout isn´t finished yet, so I don´t wanted to contribute them by now, but be a little patience, they
will be ready soon!

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