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Tragic Heroes Comparative Analysis Summative

Over the course of this school year, we have encountered two heroes representing different
cultures and societies, each of whom experienced a tragic downfall. These two heroes were
Creon in Antigone by Sophocles and Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. For
your final summative assessment, please write a formal essay that compares and contrasts
the circumstances of Okonkwo’s tragic fall to either that of Creon. Be sure to examine the
personal traits of each character that contribute to his downfall as well as any cultural/societal
influences and expectations that affected these heroes. Use the graphic organizer that I
provided yesterday to help you with different aspects of a tragic hero while you complete this

1. An essay such as this requires an introduction (hook, thesis statement, transition that
names your main body paragraph topics) and conclusion (restatement of thesis,
restatement of main topics, and final wrap up statement) as well as fully developed body

2. You must include at least three direct quotes from each text.

3. Evidence that you use from the texts should include page numbers for Things Fall Apart
and act, scene, and line numbers for Antigone.

4. Please follow the formatting directions posted on Canvas.

5. Formal essays are written in 3rd person point of view, do not use slang, and do not use

I will be assessing your work using Criteria A, B, C, and D. The task-specific rubric is posted on

Your essay is due on Friday, April 16 by 2:30 pm, and it should be turned in to Canvas by then.

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