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function [D,NeedsPadding] = utZeroPad(D,RightPad)

% Pads the numerators or denominators of Transfer Functions

% with zeros to make NUM{i,j} and DEN{i,j} of equal length.
% The zeros are added to the right if RIGHTPAD is true and
% to the left otherwise.
% Also removes the extra leading zeros in NUM{i,j} and
% DEN{i,j} (while keeping them of equal length)

% Author: P. Gahinet, 5-1-96

% Copyright 1986-2008 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2009/11/09 16:33:15 $
NeedsPadding = false;
num = D.num;
den = D.den;
if RightPad
for k = 1:numel(num)
nk = num{k};
dk = den{k};
% Pad zeros to the right to make num/den of equal length
lgap = length(dk) - length(nk);
if lgap~=0
nk = [nk , zeros(1,lgap)];
dk = [dk , zeros(1,-lgap)];
% Remove leading and trailing zeros appearing in both num and den
% (delete leading zeros to ensure that num(1) or den(1) is always nonzero)
ind = find(nk~=0 | dk~=0);
num{k} = nk(ind(1):ind(end));
den{k} = dk(ind(1):ind(end));
for k = 1:numel(num)
nk = num{k};
dk = den{k};
% Pad zeros to the left to make num/den of equal length
lgap = length(dk) - length(nk);
if lgap~=0
NeedsPadding = true;
nk = [zeros(1,lgap) , nk];
dk = [zeros(1,-lgap) , dk];
% Remove leading zeros appearing in both num and den
if nk(1)==0 && dk(1)==0
ld = length(dk);
ind = find(nk~=0 | dk~=0);
nk = nk(ind(1):ld);
dk = dk(ind(1):ld);
num{k} = nk;
den{k} = dk;
D.num = num;
D.den = den;


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