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B’s Heads Up Handout

In our class, we will be covering a number of texts that deal with grown-up subject
matter and will require us to do some grown-up thinking. Some of the pieces of literature
that we read include: Speak, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Bridge to Terebithia, The Hate
U Give, and The Lord of the Flies. All of these texts contain ideas and themes that might
make us feel uncomfortable or confused.

These texts cover the following grown-up topics:

1. Sexual Assault (Speak)
2. Death and Grief (The Hate U Give, The Bridge to Terebithia)
3. Racism and Injustice (To Kill a Mockingbird, The Hate U Give)
4. Violence and Bad Words (The Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird)

I’m letting you all know about this way before we begin these reading units so that I
can prepare myself to help you learn about these topics in a way that makes all of us feel
safe and ready to learn.

Please use the space below to let me know if there’s anything specific I can do to enhance
or support your learning while reading these texts:

Have you read or heard of any of these texts before? If so, what do you know about them?
I want to hear from you! If you think one of these books could be replaced by an
alternative text, please list an alternative below and explain why it would be a good book
for us to read together. Our book list is subject to change, and I’m happy to consider your
ideas for new literature in our class.

If you don’t feel okay working with these topics in class for some reason, THAT’S OKAY!
You can color in the circle below, and Ms. B will help you figure out what kind of lesson
will work for YOU.

*I don’t feel okay talking about

one or more of the topics
listed above and would like
an alternative assignment*

Please use the space below to identify which of the themes listed you would prefer not to
engage with.

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