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Advantages of using games in classes

 Enjoyable / natural – using games in class is a natural way for students to learn.
 Interactive – getting involved and working together.
 Practice / revise language in a meaningful way – giving a real reason to communicate.
 Challenging – making learning interesting, motivating and memorable.
 Encourage team working – working together to achieve a certain goal.

Primary Aims
1. Communicative Language Practice
Sentence patterns are repeated to help gain fluency.
2. Word / phrase practice
Words are recycled and revised to increase vocabulary and practice pronunciation.

1. Introducing a game
2. Giving instructions + checking understanding
3. Dividing groups
4. Demonstrating ( if necessary )
1. Going around
2. Monitoring learners + preventing the use of mother tongue
3. Providing help ( if needed )
4. Taking notes any errors or mistakes
1. Correcting learner’s errors
2. Giving constructive feedback
A song has a melody.
A chant has a rhythm (beat)
A rhyme has same ending sounds in the last word of the chunk.

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