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Practical approach Module



Cultura y economía regional de América

Delivery name

Research article based on descriptive analysis

Academic level


Delivery kind

Research article

This research project has three stages and tries to help you to develop the ability to build
country profiles using statistical and documental sources. The research report is divided
on two drafts and one final article. Your final project must be written in English and it must
include, at least, four references from databases or academic documents. It is also important
that your report presents and analyzes statistical information. The research article must have
five pages including references and figures.

All the drafts dates are scheduled. Your report will be graded in two dimensions: content
(accuracy of information, ability to analyze statistical and documental sources, achievement
of goals and respect to intellectual property rights) and writing style (grammar, arguments
coherence, proper use of APA style norms). In the following lines, you will find the
descriptions of the requirements of each written draft. Be sure to take into account all the
given instructions.


The first draft consists of choosing a Latin American country and write a profile using history,
statistical indicators on demography, economics, politics and any other information that you
consider relevant. Once you do the profile try to characterize the relationship between the
selected country and the US. The purpose of this first draft is to understand the study object
and to run a descriptive analysis using history and statistics. It must be written in English, using
APA style for references and should not exceed two pages. Choose a title for your work that
describes the information among the writing. All consulted sources must be appropriately

To summarize, your first draft must have at least the following parts:

»» Work title: informative, short and suggestive. For example “Argentina: lost
opportunities to regional leadership”.

»» Authors: a list of the participants in the document. This kind of writing does not require a
presentation page, write the authors names after the title and aligned to the right.

»» Introduction: a brief text that describes the central idea of the writing and the general
structure of the written document.

»» Descriptive analysis: a brief discussion of the main characteristics of the selected

country, what historical facts and statistics are important to understand the selected
country reality?

»» Relationship with the US: how would you describe the relationship between the US
and the selected country? Why?

»» References: a list of all consulted sources.


The second draft consists of a characterization of the selected country’s commercial

relationship. This brief document must describe the commercial policy strategy followed by
the country and a short infographic of the main treaties signed by the country. Does your
country tend to free trade or protectionism? What is the evidence that supports your point
of view? Like the first draft, this one must be written in English in no more than two or three
pages, using APA style and respecting intellectual property rights.

To sum up, this written document must include the following sections:

»» Title: informative, short and suggestive.

»» Commercial policy country’s profile: a descriptive analysis of the main indicators of
economic integration.

»» Main trends on commercial policy: exports and imports patterns. Which are the main
exported products? Which products bought from others? Use data by UN Comtrade
to build this country profile.

»» International trade agreements: a brief description of the countries profile on these


»» References: a list of all documental and web resources used to write the document.


The last written research report is an article using the collected information in the two
previous drafts. It must have as a starting point a question like “How Brazil compromises its
economic growth due to its commercial policy?”. The paper must be written in English in no
more than five pages, using APA style and respecting intellectual property rights. This report
must include at least the following parts:

»» Introduction: description of the goals and the structure of the document.

»» General profile: the main characteristics of the selected country. These
characteristics should be related to your question.

»» Discussion: offer a possible answer to your question, use statistics and documents to
support your point of view.

»» Conclusions and recommendations: your main research findings and what do you
suggest to the country in terms of economic, political and international trade to
improve its situation.

»» References: a list of all documental and web resources used to write the document.


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