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ASYNCH: Do I know myself?

• We always think that we know ourselves better, but sometimes,

what’s on our mind is just an illusion.

• God knows us better than ourselves.

• By praying, reflecting, and listening to the holy spirit, we can

accept the things about ourselves wholeheartedly.
Those who truly know who they are didn’t always have the easiest
path or journey to self- actualization. We always fought with others
and the image that we were told to be, and to be that image. We
are always battling with our emotions and with our insecurities, but
still, victories are often hard won.
We don’t meet or get to know ourselves just by being born. Birth is
something that is gifted, a gift that is unknown to us, at least until
we have enough self-awareness to realize the blessing of what it
means to be alive. However, being alive and its accomplice of
what is called life, is still incomplete if you never find your reason
of why. Of why you are who you are, of why you were gifted life
and to know what it means to be you.
While watching the video by Cardinal Tagle, these three are those
which struck me the most. We always thinks that we know
ourselves better than anyone, and denies what other people are
saying about us, but Cardinal Tagle stated that sometimes, it is all
just an illusion. Knowing thyself is actually quite hard and we need
the help of others to know who we really are. However,
sometimes, we deny ourselves just because we don’t like it that
way, and thus, we tend to change ourselves and forgot who we
really are, resulting in bad results. Just like what Cardinal Tagle
said, by praying, reflecting and listening to the holy spirit, we can
accept the things about ourselves wholeheartedly.

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