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Nama : Aprilia Saputri

NIM : 1902043

Kelas : DIII keperawatan 2B


The beginning of November 12 is celebrated as National Health Day starting from the efforts to
eradicate malaria in Indonesia which had an epidemic in the 1950. Hundreds of thousands of
Indonesians at that time died from the malaria epidemic. To deal with this case, in 1959, the
government took various efforts to eradicate malaria by forming the Malaria Eradication
Service. In 1963, the name of the Malaria Eradication Service was changed to Operation
Eradication of Malaria (KOPEM). One of the ways to eradicate the malaria epidemic is by
spraying DDT type drugs en masse to people's homes on the islands of Java, Bali and Lampung.
The mass spraying was first carried out symbolically by Soekarno, who was then President of the
Republic of Indonesia in Kalasan Village, Yogyakarta, November 12, 1959.

Malaria is a parasitic infection of red blood cells caused by a protozoan species of plasmodium
which is transmitted to humans through saliva by a puncture (bite) of an Anopheles mosquito.1.
In this malaria disease intervention will be carried out in nursing diagnoses 1.Hyperthermia is
associated with an increase in metabolism, the direct effect of circulating germs on temperature
regulation, including: monitor the patient's temperature (degrees and patterns), pay attention
to chills and be given a blanket until the temperature is close to normal, give warm compresses ,
give antipyretic drugs paracetamol, give anti-malarial drugs according to the therapy program.
Interventions in nursing diagnosis 2. Acute headache, associated with increased cerebral
vascular pressure, among others: maintain bed rest in the patient during the acute phase,
provide non-pharmacological measures to relieve headaches such as relaxation, collaborative
administration of analgesics as indicated, for example mefenamic acid. Interventions in nursing
diagnosis 3: Changes in nutrition less than body requirements are related to inadequate food
intake, including: review of nutritional history, including preferred foods, record food intake,
clients monitor food consumption, arrange small but frequent meals, collaborate diet with a
nutritionist. Interventions in nursing diagnoses 4. risk of lack of body fluid volume, including:
monitor fluid intake and discharge, give lots of warm drinking, monitor signs of dehydration,
give electrolyte fluids as needed, for example, NaCl, RL infusion fluids.

So this malaria disease consists of several diagnoses, namely: Hyperthermia associated with
increased metabolism, direct effect of circulating germs on temperature regulation, acute
headache, associated with increased cerebral vascular pressure, changes in nutrition less than
body requirements associated with inadequate food intake, risk of lack of volume of body fluids.
And intervention is carried out in accordance with the diagnosis and evaluates based on the
criteria of the plan that has been prepared so that goals are achieved, goals are partly achieved
and goals are not achieved.

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