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640 RECORDING SCRIPT 13, IN WHICH LANGUAGE WAS THE LETTER G CREATED? 14, THE LETTER C TOOK ON AN $ SOUND BECAUSE OF AN INFLUENCE FROM WHICH LANGUAGE? 15, WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ENGLISH WORDS BEGIN WITH AN SOUND? 16. THE PROFESSOR DISCUSSES STAGES IN THE, HISTORY OF THE THIRD LETTER OF THE ALPHABET. PUT THE FOLLOWING HISTORI- CAL STAGES IN ORDER. LISTENING POST-TEST (Paper) Part A, page 165 1, (woman) Are the exams corrected yet? (man) No, but they'll be corrected by noon, (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 2 (woman) Has Martha's visa artived yet? (man) think itarrived last month. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 3. (man) What did the professor do in the first lass? I missed it because I was late. (woman) She outlined the course require- ments. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 4. (woman) How did Chuck look when you visited him in the hospital? (man) He's looked better. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 5. (man) How much was tuition increased for next month? (woman) More than can afford. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 6. (woman) How were the grades on the history (man) Noone gotabove aC. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 7. (woman) You know, this is the second time this week that you've been late to class! (man) Itwas impossible to find a place to park before the ten o'clock class! (narrator) WHAT DOES'THE MAN MEAN? 8. (man) Can Thelp you find something? (woman) Yes, thank you. I need to geta new rug. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 9. (woman) I'd like to open an account. (man) Would you like a savings account or an interest-bearing checking account? (narrator) WHERE DOES THIS CONVERSA- TION PROBABLY TAKE PLACE? 10. (woman) Why does Jane spend so much time in San Francisco? (man) She has cousin there, so she likes to visit, especially during the holidays (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 1. 12. 13, 14, 15, 16. 17, 18. 19, 20. 21 2. 23. 24, (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (man) (woman) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) (woman) (man) (narrator) Are you really hungry? | feel like I haven't eaten in weeks. WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? ‘The traffic outside is really loud! Tl say! WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? Have you seen the headlines yet today? Thaven’t had a chance to read a word. WHAT ARE THEY PROBABLY DIS- ‘CUSSING? I'm not ready yet, and it’s going to take me a while longer. You'd better hurry. Take five minutes too long, and you'll miss the bus. WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? I think it’s impossible for me to pass this class. You should never say “impossible.” WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? ‘Why were you thanking Tom? He lent me enough money to pay the rent. WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? Are you enjoying the dessert? Never have I tasted such delicious cake! WHAT DOES THE MAN SAYABOUT ‘THE CAKE? Why are you so late getting here? Oh, Iran into my cousin Carl, and we stayed and talked for a while. WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? Do you know where Debbie is? Her purse is still here, so she must still be in the apartment. WHAT DOES THE MAN SAYABOUT DEBBIE? Do you know when rent is due? The landlord collects it on the first of the month, without fail, WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? My car is making some funny noises. Why not take it to a mechanic? WHAT DOES THE MAN SUGGEST TO THE WOMAN? Martha's holding down two jobs at the same time, She'd better take it easy. WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? Did you get to the airport in plenty of time? ‘There was scarcely enough time to get there. WHAT DOES THE MAN IMPLY? ‘You should put some money in the parking meter. Parking fees aren't necessary on the weekend, are they? WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 25, (man) How is your boss feeling about his retirement? (woman) Oh, he isn’t too unhappy to be retir- ing. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN IMPLY ABOUT HER BOSS? 26. (woman) Oh, I see you have a new car. (man) wish [had been able to buy the carI really wanted. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 27. (woman) Did you hear the president's announcement this morning? (man) Yes, the president appointed Mr. Drew head of the newly formed commis- sion. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? 28. (man) Were you upset by what Richard said to you? (woman) — Icouldn’t have been more infuriated! (narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? 29. (man) Let me just get these last plates put away. Then, I'll be ready to go. (woman) $0 you did do the dishes. (narrator) WHAT HAD THE WOMAN ASSUMED? 30. (woman) Why did you get that kind of fruit? (man) Twouldn’t have bought these cherries had I known that grapes were so cheap. (narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? Part B, page 168 ‘Questions 31-34 (narrator) Listen to a conversation between two friends who are making plans. (woman) Do you have any plans this weekend? (man) __There’s so much to choose from on. campus that I'm not sure what I'm going to do. (woman) The football game's on Saturday night, and I'm going with a group of friends. Do you want to go with us? (man) Of course I'd like to go to the football game: it's the biggest game of the sea- son, And it sounds like fun to go with a large group of people. Good. We'll be meeting at the cafete- ria for dinner at six o'clock on Satur- day night, and then we'll go on to the game together (man) That takes care of my plans for Satur- day night. But now I need to make a decision about Sunday afternoon. ‘The music department is sponsoring a concert then, and I'd really like to hear that concert. But there's also a play being presented by the drama department that I really wanted to see. It’s too bad those two events are at the same time. You know; ifyou go to the game on Saturday night and a concert or play (woman) (woman) RECORDING SCRIPT 641 ‘on Sunday, that doesn’t leave much time for studying. (man) Oh, well. Maybe I can do that the weekend after this one, 31, WHAT IS THE WOMAN PLANNING TO DO SAT- URDAY? 32, WHY DOES THE MAN WANT TO GO TO THE FOOTBALL GAMI 33. WHAT IS AT THE SAME TIME AS THE MUSIC. DEPARTMENT'S CONCERT? 34, WHEN DOES THE MAN PLAN TO STUDY? Questions 35-38, (narrator) Listen to a conversation between a ‘man and a woman, (woman) Have you ever thought about all the tons of garbage that's out in space cir cling the Earth? (man) Tons of garbage circling the Earth? What do you mean? I saw a television program about it last night, and according to the program, there's about 3,000 tons of metal out there in space, traveling at speeds around 17,000 miles per hour. (man) Where did all this garbage come from? ‘Well, it comes from all those space missions that have gone up since 1957. Every time a rocket ship goes up into space, it leaves a lot behind, and. this stuff goes into orbit around the Earth: booster rockets, solar panels, remnants of satellites, and even nuclear reactors. (man) Isn'vit dangerous to have all this stuff out there? Some space scientists are worried about possible collisions between this orbiting junk and spaceships, particu- larly manned spacecrafis; however, o far there haven't been any such acc dents. (man) Well, [hope that they're going to do something about this, both for the sake of safety and for the sake of the environment. Me, too. I know that right now the problem is being studied by numer- ‘ous scientists; hopefully, they'l be able to find solutions before the prob lem gets too much worse. 35, WHAT ARE THE MAN AND WOMAN DIS- CUSSING? 36, WHERE DID THE WOMAN LEARN ABOUT ‘THIS PROBLEM? 37, APPROXIMATELY HOW MUCH METAL IS IN ORBIT IN SPACE? 88, WHAT DOES THE WOMAN HOPE WILL HAP- PEN? (woman) (woman) (woman) (woman) 642 RECORDING SCRIPT Part C, page 169 Questions 39-42 (narrator) Listen to a sociology professor talk to her class. Before I start today’s sociology lec- ture, I'd like to talk with you about the papers that you should be working ‘on. As you know, the topic for the paper is the relationship between gun control and violence. The paper itself is due in two weeks, but I would like to see your outlines by Friday of this, week so that I can be sure that you are (on the right track with the assign- ment. (woman) You need to do some research for this paper, s0 you should be spending some time in the library. I would like you to have at least three books and at least three recent journal articles as sources, ‘The paper should be five pages long; in addition to the five pages of com- position, you should have a title page and a one-page reference list of the sources that you used in preparing the paper. WHEN DOES THIS TALK PROBABLY TAKE PLACE? ). WHEN IS THE PAPER DUE? |. WHAT TYPES OF REFERENCES SHOULD BE, USED IN WRITING THE PAPER? .. HOW MANY TOTAL PAGES SHOULD BE IN ‘THE PAPER, INCLUDING THE TITLE PAGE AND THE REFERENCE LIST? Questions 43-46 Listen to a talk about Hawaii, For those of you taking part in the trip to Hawaii next week, I'd like to sve you a lite information about the ‘weather that you can expect there. (narrator) (man) ‘You can expect the average daily tem- perature there to be about 80 degrees Fahrenheit or 26 degrees Celsius. This is the average daily temperature in the springtime, when we will be there; itis interesting to note that it only gets a few degrees warmer in the summer and a few degrees cooler in the win- ter, ‘One important factor that keeps the temperature so constant and moder ate in Hawaii is the trade winds. These are winds that blow in on the north- east, or windward, side of the islands on an almost daily bass; the trade winds blow through the islands an average of slightly more than 300 days per year, and they are the strongest during the heat of the afternoon and 43. 44, 45. 46. turn into a cooling breeze in the evening. The trade winds also keep the humidity down, which makes the weather even more pleasant. T hope this information will help you to understand the weather conditions that you're going to encounter next ‘week on your trip; it should also help you decide what types of clothes you should be packing for your tip. IN WHAT SEASON OF THE YEAR WILL THE ‘TRIP TAKE PLACE? WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE IN HAWAII? WHAT IS TRUE ABOUT THE TRADE WINDS? WHAT WILL THE PEOPLE LISTENING TO THE ‘TALK PROBABLY BE DOING SOON? Questions 47-50 47. 48, 49. 50. (narrator) Listen to an instructor talk to her class about Walt Whitman. (woman) The topic of today’s lecture is Walt Whitman, an American poet and author of the renowned collection of poems Leaves of Grass. This volume of poems isa celebration of America, full of pride in the United States and. reverence for the goals of American democracy. ‘Whitman began writing Leaves of Grass in the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury, and the first edition appeared in 1855 with only twelve poems. Several other editions of Leaves of Grass appeared throughout Whitman's life- time with additional poems; Leaves of Grass grew and matured right along with Whitman, ‘The longest and best-known poem in Leaves of Grassis “Song of Myself,” which appeared in the first edition. ‘The poem “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed” was added to a later edition. This poem was written at the time of Abraham Lincoln's death in 1865 and contained Whitman's reflections on that event. Lincoln's death occurred in April, in the spring, in a season of new life. This poem reflects that spring can be at the same time a period of death and a period of rebirth, ‘THIS LECTURE WOULD PROBABLY BE A PART (OF WHICH COURSE? WHAT IS THE MOST COMMON THEME IN LEAVES OF GRASS? WHAT BEST DESCRIBES LEAVES OF GRASS? WHICH IS THE LONGEST AND BESFKNOWN POEM BY WHITMAN?

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