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Case: 1 Tuition fee

Mr. XYZ has in his house four children (two his own, and two his brothers), all of
whom are in tenth standard in high school. They have registered for tuition in six
different group – tuition institutes as shown in B24:D32.
The fee varies depending on the institute and the subject, as shown in B16:F21.
Find the fee for each tuition in D25:D32 and the total in D34.
Case: 2 Saving Bank Accounts.....
A. Design a spread sheet which helps you maintain your own saving bank balance up to
date. Every time you make a deposit or withdrawal, this spread-sheet has to be invoked,
and the corresponding amount has to be posted in the appropriate column, and the spread
sheet immediately updates the balance. The opening balance is to be given as input.
Follow the design given below:

B. Create an extra column(s) for marking with a special symbol like * extraordinary
transactions, that is those with an abnormally high deposit or abnormally high
withdrawal amounts. What can be considered as an abnormally high amount in a
deposit or in a withdrawal can be given as parameters. For example, you can indicate
that an amount greater than or equal to Rs 1 lakh can be considered abnormal in a
deposit transaction; or an amount greater than or equal to Rs 20000 in a withdrawal
transaction. You may to flag abnormal deposit transaction with a * and abnormal
withdrawal with a .

C. Implement an alternative way of highlighting the above abnormal transaction: use a

different color for the font of the transaction amount for an abnormal high deposit or
abnormal high withdrawal. Such coloring should be given automatically by the
spreadsheet. For example, you may wish to use red font for showing abnormally high
deposit and green for abnormally high withdrawals.

D. Incorporate additional feature such that you should be able to input two dates, and
should be able to obtain from the spreadsheet the total deposited and the total amount
withdrawn in the interval between the two given dates.

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