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Hierarchy/Chapter 1

< Hierarchy

Writer: 日日日 (Akira)

Hey there☆ You must be the transfer student that we’ve been hearing about! I’m Subaru
Akehoshi! “Akehoshi” is written with the characters for ‘morning star,’ and “Subaru” is in
katakana! Easy to remember, right~? ♪

Location: 2-A Classroom

Since we’ll be classmates from now on, let’s become good friends! I hope we get

With that said! It’s a bit sudden, but please lend me some money….!

That’s way too sudden.

Don’t go demanding money from someone you’ve just met. Don’t you have any
manners? You’re confusing the transfer student.

Sorry about that, transfer student. Akehoshi’s an idiot, so just ignore what he said.

That said, there’s a lot of idiots at this school, but I hope you don’t assume that there’s
nothing but idiots here.
Don’t say something so mean, Hokke~! At this rate, the transfer student’s first
impression of me’s going to be fixed as “he’s an idiot”!

Don't call me "Hokke".

Eh~? But your name’s “Hokuto Hidaka” so Hokke~ is OK, right? ☆

And now for a proper introduction! This is Hokuto Hidaka! You can just call him
Hokke~! He’s my friend!

The type of friend that won’t lend me money….!

Don’t go adding on unnecessary information.

Sorry about this, transfer student. I hope you won’t misunderstand. On top of being an
idiot, Akehoshi’s unusually obsessed with money, but he’s a good guy.

Also, he’s terrible at going with the flow of things, and he gives people weird nicknames.
Hokke~, how’d you go from defending me to completely bashing on me?! You should
praise me more! Either that, or lend me money….!

I’m not going to give you any money. You know, it’s not like you’re that poor, so why do
you want money so badly?

Things like money or jewels are shiny, so I like them~☆

What are you, a bird? Ah, or maybe just a bird brain….?

Okaaay, that’s enough~♪

You guys didn’t talk to the transfer student to show her some weird skit, right? Didn’t
you have a favor you wanted to ask her~?

Ohh, right! Good job getting the conversation back on track, Ukki~! As expected of a
“talk expert,” you think super fast!

Is it because of the glasses? Does wearing glasses give you “talk skill +50”?

That’s right. Once I take off my glasses, I’ll forget everything…. Huh? My name is…. What
was it again? Transfer student-chan, do you know?

There’s no way she would know, Ukki~! It’s only your first time meeting!
I know~ Since you made a joke, I just thought it’d be better if I played along for a bit♪

That’s what I like about you, Ukki~☆

I really like you too, Akehoshi-kun~♪

You too get along so well it makes me sick.

Well, that aside. Since we aren’t going to get anywhere if we leave it to these two, I’ll
start explaining some things myself.
You’re so stiff, Hokke~! You should ride this big wave of playing dumb along with us….!

That’s right! This is your only chance to catch it, Hidaka-kun!

Quiet, Idiot Duo.

Hmph. I’ll start by introducing myself.

My name’s Hokuto Hidaka. I’m the class president of Class 2-A.

The teacher asked me to help you out, so if you’re having trouble with anything, don’t
hesitate to ask. As the class president, I’ll do my best to assist you.
I’ll be riding on that wave of self-introduction….!

I’m Makoto Yuuki, nice to meet you! Just call me Ukki~!

Since his name’s “Yuuki,” his nickname’s “Ukki~”! Plus, he kinda acts like a monkey, too
Ah, you mean the playing dumb part, right? Hold on, I’ll play dumb right now!

Stick with introducing yourself, Yuuki.

Yes, sir~ Where was I.… Oh right, I’m part of the “broadcasting committee”. I gather a lot
of different information as part of my job, so if there’s something you wanna know, just
ask me!

Whether it’s what’s going to be on the exams or who the teacher’s having an affair with,
I can tell you anything♪

I’ll introduce myself too~☆ I already did earlier, but I’ll do it again and again!

I’m Subaru Akehoshi! If Hokke~’s the “class president,” and Ukki~’s on the
“broadcasting committee,” then I’m “one who perishes for mon….

Don’t talk, Akehoshi. You’ll just complicate things.

Well, that aside. The three of us often hang out together. It’s regrettable that I’m
considered the friends of these two idiots, but there’s a reason for us spending so much
time together.

Technically speaking, there’s one other guy who’s usually with us, but.… Well, we’ll
introduce him later.

Especially since he’s in another class, we’ll leave that for another time.

Hey, but don’t you feel bad for leaving Sari~ out?! We’re all friends, aren’t we?! Wait here,
I’ll go bring him over☆

Don’t. Seriously. Don’t make things more complicated.

Well, that aside.

It’s almost time for homeroom. We’ll continue talking during lunch.

Make sure you have free time, transfer student. I’m sorry to ask this of you on your first
day of transferring here, but we need a favor from you. It’s something that only you can

You don’t have the obligation to do it, but we’d like to ask that you spare some time for

We’re counting on you, transfer student.

Translation credits

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Categories: 日日日 (Akira) Makoto Yuuki - Story Subaru Akehoshi - Story Hokuto Hidaka - Story

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