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Interrogative Adjectives

Quel, quelle, quels, quelles

The interrogative adjective quel means which or what. It must agree in number and
gender with the noun it modifies. Quel can be followed by a noun, a conjugated form of
être (e.g. quel est…?).
Quel livre? Which book? Quelle table? Which table?
PLURAL Quels livres? Which books? Which tables?
Quel can be followed by a noun + est-ce que or a noun then the question asked using
the inversion.

 Quelle langue est-ce que tu étudies? What language are you studying?

 Quel état aimes-tu le plus? What is your favorite state?
 Quel film est-ce que tu veux regarder? What movie do you want to watch?
 Quel roman veux-tu lire? What book do you want to read?
 Quelles villes veux-tu visiter? Which cities do you want to visit?

Quel can also precede être (est or sont depending on singular or plural) to mean what or
which is or are.

 Quel est le problème? What’s the problem?

 Quelles sont tes activités préférées? What are you favorite activities?
 Quelle est la capitale de la suisse? Whats’ the capital of Switzerland?
 Quels sont les pays francophones? What are the French-speaking countries?

Quel is also used in a lot of very common day-to-day questions.

 Quel âge as-tu? How old are you?

 Quel jour sommes-nous? What day is it?
 Quelle heure est-il? What time is it?
 Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? What’s the date today?
 Quel temps fait-il? How’s the weather?
 Quel est ton nom? What’s your name?

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