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Coronaviruses is a group of viruses that can cause illness ranging from a cold to Severe Acute

Respiratory Syndrome. This virus is the serious problem of our world right now, so when this virus occur
We all panicked, got worried and shocked.  That's why, the national government officials take action
about this problem.

Let me start in Local Government especially in my area. However, I can say that they are visible how
they handle this dilemma. Because when the lockdown start they immediately become strict when it
comes of using facemask outdoor and social distancing. They also made a schedule for every barangay
for their market day and a permit for every family to be able to enter in public market. And everyday they
checking people to assure that no one is not going everywhere. But We all know that whatever crisis
come We always complain, well we're just doing this to be able to hear our concerns how their plans
work and effective for us. In my community the main complain that I always notice is about the
distribution of relief goods. Because some family will not have their goods if they are not a voters
anymore. Also the relief goods that they giving away is not enough to every family particularly if they
have a huge family. This concerns really matters because for this crisis We really need food to eat so
they should prevail this act. We all need  their adherence as our government officials, not a veneer

Lastly to our National Government. We all aware that all leaders of different country implemented rules
when this virus came out. But as far i know maybe philippines will not experience this if in the place, our
national government immediately secure our country when this appear. Philippines is a poor country and
because of their negligence, we're here now fighting to restrain the circulation of this virus. As my
opinion, i couldn't say that im satisfied  how they handled this pandemic. Because our government have
a deficiency how they really handled this situation. Like for example,its about the concerns of people
who can not live without their works, and to those people who are homeless. Is just that, how could they
live without a food if that work is only the reason that they can eat daily? how can they protect
themselves if they dont have a house? Yes, i know that this is a serious problem of the world but,
government should prioritize these people that can posible die because of lack of food and protection for
theirselves. I know that government doing their very best to beat this virus but how can they really
assure that this 1month or maybe 3months lockdown can be really effected for this virus? our national
Government should have effected plans and should hear some people who really needs help. This virus
is really matters now, but unfortunate people matters too.

But by saying that we deserve a better government, may we also be reminded to become better citizens.

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