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Good Morning,

My name is Marcus Hayden Martin, and I am currently a senior at First Colonial high
school in the Legal Studies Academy. In order to graduate from the academy, all seniors are
required to create and implement a community based project, alongside an extensive research
paper about whatever topic it is they decide to choose. For me, I was raised in a Christian
household and have held a relationship with Christ my entire life. When I was asked about which
global issue I would like to create my project/paper on, I decided to choose Christian Persecution
in the Middle East. The deeper I dove into my research, I was truly astonished to see the horrors
currently occurring throughout regions in the Middle East to Chrisitans. To this day, there is an
increasing threat to Christians in the surrounding areas in the Middle East. There have been
increased levels of persecution and violence to those who hold the ideals of the Christian Faith.
They are constantly abused, violated, and even killed in the region. Due to them being the
minority religion, authoritarian governments, lack of political stability, and a consistent lack of
economic funds being located in the area, locals and terrorist organizations use the weakness of
their countries to launch attacks on Christians. It is a very sad and dangerous topic currently
happening in the world today. There have been constant attacks on Christians throughout history,
but in this modern age, the attacks have grown and become more increasingly violent. Especially
during the COVID 19 pandemic, it gave these governments and terrorist groups, to continue
belittling and persecuting Christians in the surrounding areas. When it comes to my project, It
was extremely difficult as an 18 year old, to truly have an impact on the events happening in the
Middle East. But thankfully to Mrs. Jenna Dawson, and other administrators here at Grace Bible,
I was able to partner with Grace to create a Bible Drive. Grace is also partnered with a variety of
different organizations and luckily, with an organization that deals with persecution in the
Middle East, __________________. I have created my own donation box located near the
entrance to the sanctuary. I would love for you guys to donate any Bibles that could be donated
to Christians in the Middle East, in order to continue spreading the message of God. If you
would all also help spread information about this donation box if possible.

Thank you all again and God Bless!!!

Marcus Hayden Martin,

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