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I hadn’t been

born when in 1999 The FARC establishes peace negotiations with the Government
of President Andrés Pastrana, In the United States, the children's TV show Dora,
the explorer, was released when I was barely a year old, I was 2 YEARS old and in
the United States takes office as President George W. Bush , When he entered the
school , in Venezuela, the National Electoral Council announces the final result of
the revision of the signatures to call the Recall Referendum to Hugo Chávez.
Michelle Bachelet wins second round elections, being the first woman to be
president of Chile, while I traveled to live in Yopal, I studied in my first school in
Yopal and in Panama, the expansion works of the Panama Canal are inaugurated.
In Dubai (UAE) the world's tallest skyscraper, Burj Khalifa was opened at 828
meters when I was eleven. I was in the sixth grade when Spain won the South
Africa World Cup, in Paraguay, the presidential candidate, Lino Oviedo, dies in a
plane crash when I was fourteen years old and finally When I turned eighteen In
Washington DC (United States), businessman Donald Trump takes over the
presidency of the United States in succession from Barack Obama, It was bad and

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