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Future: - Going to

What are these people going to be?

Write sentences using the
words in the box.
interpreter – lawyer – scientist – pediatrician – psychologist

a) Sue and Peter are studying law.

b) Bob is good at languages.
c) Sarah is keen on studying and treating diseases of children.
d) Tim loves conducting experiments.
e) I am studying how the mind influences our behaviour.

Respond to each statement with a question.

Use the words in brackets.
a) I am starving. (what – you – eat?)
b) Pam is not going by plane. (she – drive?)
c) Jack and Mary got engaged last month. (when / they / get married?)
d) Pete and Rob did the washing-up yesterday. (who – help – today?)
e) Cathy is going to university next year. (what – she – study?)

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