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My Growth as an English Teaching Assistant

This year has really been a full circle movement for me. Moving into my off-campus
apartment at the end of August, the future was really unknown. COVID was not getting better
from the summertime, it was actually just about to be at an all-time low since the pandemic.
Another semester of online school ahead of us, no one really knew what to expect. We had
never completed a full semester of online schooling before, just an adapted few weeks at the
end of Spring 2020 semester at the beginning of the pandemic. Looking back, finishing my
Spring Junior semester, and so much has changed. A vaccine became available, and the world
started opening up again, normalcy has never been so close. In this final reflection for English
388V, I want to look back at my year of online schooling, the challenges I faced, the growth I
have experienced as a third time UTA and so much more. Welcome to my final reflection.
Beginning off with my year of online schooling. For me personally, online schooling is not
as effective and is a lot harder on my mental health. I was at a very low point in the beginning of
this semester in the dead of winter and online classes. It seemed like there was no escape from
my small apartment, no library to go off to, no classroom to sit in, and no outdoors to enjoy in
20-degree weather. I relied a lot on my family and friends during this time. When I could, I would
go home on Sundays and have a meal with my family. It was a change of scenery, change of
pace, and change of faces. I think what was holding me back the most was the same routine in
and out every day with nothing really to look forward to. I must remind myself that I was one of
the lucky ones. I was able to live with my friends each and every day and was not as severely
negatively impacted by the pandemic as other people, it was just hard to realize in the moment.
Things started turning around for me when the warm weather arrived. My family and I were able
to get vaccinated, something I am so grateful for and I was able to travel as a result of the
vaccine and online classes. I found motivation in being able to go get outside and safely see
new people and new places.
The class I was a UTA for also had a really positive impact on me. I wrote this
throughout my portfolio, but to reiterate, I am really proud of the engagement from my 101 class
this semester. I think despite being online, out of my three semesters being a UTA, this one had
the best engagement. Students asked questions every class, had their cameras on, talked to
each other. One of my favorite parts of this semester was that I was able to jump in and out of
the breakout rooms with my students. Every class we split the students up into breakout rooms
for small group work and I was able to go into every room and chat with my students. I would try
my best to relate to them, make them laugh, and show them my funnier and more personal side.
I am really proud of the work my Instructor and I put in together this semester. While the
students did have an abundance of schoolwork from our 101 class this semester, I think it was a
fair and organized amount and we made exceptions when deemed appropriate. I also believe
this was one of the best semesters yet UTAing because of the amazing working relationship my
Instructor and I have established. We trust each other and have constant communication when
necessary, a key to success with any Instructor-TA relationship.
One student actually had an enormous positive impact on my UTA experience this
semester. She remanded me so much of myself in English 101. She was eager to learn, always
asked questions, and was in constant communication with me via email to make sure she was
on the right track with her work. She even chose the same topic as me for her position paper
without knowing it. One day when I was overloaded with work, I received an email from her with
a question regarding an assignment. I took a break from my work, answered her right away with
some advice and pointed her in the right direction. I received an email back from her thanking
me and telling me how great of a job I was doing as her TA. While that seems really minuscule,
it really made my day (actually, my whole semester) and reminded me how lucky I am to be in
my position, be a UTA for three, going on four semesters now, and impact every student I come
in contact with, whether it be in the classroom or via zoom. Becoming a UTA is something that
has changed my college experience for the better. It has given me something to be passionate
about, something that has uncovered my true educational inspirations, and so much more. I am
forever grateful for the experiences this journey has afforded me and I look forward to
everything ahead because we have, in fact, found the light at the end of the tunnel.

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