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REGIME CRIMES LIAISON OFFICE BAGHDAD, IRAQ October 6, 2006 LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FOR MR. VICTOR AGUSTO CARRRASCO RUIZ Thave had the pleasure of working with Mr. Ruiz for more than a year as he performed the duties of Security Supervisor at the United States Embassy, Baghdad, Iraq. I have watched him take on ‘numerous responsibilities in support of the US Embassy mission in supervising numerous guards protecting the US Embassy in a war zone Mr, Ruiz quickly adapted to working in a war zone and the fast pace of the mission. One of his numerous responsibilities was coordinating security for all arriving dignitaries. On numerous occasions Mr. Ruiz was called upon to supervise in emergency situations. Mr. Ruiz acted in the utmost professional manner is every situation. This accomplishment may seem small in stature but it was monumental to all those working in the Embassy and counting on Mr. Ruiz to provide protection in the war zone. Mr. Ruiz is amazing in his ability to coordinate and network with others. Mr, Ruiz was able to establish numerous professional relationships around the Embassy with State Department staff and military units, On numerous occasions the RCLO would have some type of emergency. ‘Once Mr. Ruiz was notified he could quickly assist and resolve most any situation through one of his numerous points of contact. In such a difficult environment and war zone it was of significant importance to be able to call upon someone who is more than capable and professional in his ability to get the mission accomplished. In more than 18 years of service in the US Department of Justice I have never worked with someone as Mr. Ruiz. He is a true “Team Player” and can be counted upon in any situation including a combat zone. Mr. Ruiz is completing an extended tour of duty in Baghdad, Iraq. Most never have this type of duty and few will ever achieve or make the significant contributions as Mr. Ruiz has done. Mr. Ruiz has personally sacrificed to support Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and he should be more than proud of his accomplishments, To numerous are his accomplishments to list. But rest assured he isa true dedicated worker. I would personally be proud to serve with Mr. Ruiz in any place or clime. T wish him the best of luck as he departs for new adventures on the road of life. He will ‘truly be missed by all.

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