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Anaphy Nervous System SGD

I was really overwhelmed by how many type of nerves we have, Every person’s body contains
billions of nerve cells or neurons. and it’s amazing how there are about 100 billion of them just
in the brain. and 13.5 million in the spinal cord.

I was shocked to know that there was a nervous system for controlling the body when we are at
rest. The parasympathetic nervous system controls bodily functions when a person is sleeping.
Some of its activities include stimulating digestion, activating metabolism, and helping the body

I was amazed at how the axon is similar to electrical wire. the axon transmits
the nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another, in a similar way that electrical impulse are
transferred down a wire. Like a wire, if the axon is torn or broken, the nerve impulse will not be

Is it true that sometimes our spinal cord acts independent of the brain?

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