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The three social sciences theories are the structural functional theory, Conflict theory, and the
Interactionist theory so this theories are important because it can help us to know more about their
implications to education. The structural theory is a theoretical approach that sees society as a complex
and interconnected system whose individual parts work in concert to promote stability and harmony in
the system as a whole.

And the second one is the conflict theory which is emphasizes the role of coercion, conflict, and power
in society and that social inequality will inevitably occur because of differing interests and values
between groups, particularly the competition for scarce resources. And the last is the interactionist
theory is an explanation used by sociologists to explain how everyday interactions contribute to
someone's identity.


Weaknesses of the Filipino Character Colonial Mentality. Filipinos have a colonial mentality which is
made upon two dimensions the first is a lack of patriotism or an active awareness, appreciation and love
of the Philippines the second is an actual preference for things foreign.

Extreme family centeredness excessive concern for family means using one’s office and power to
promote family interests and thus factionalism patronage, political dynasties, and the protection of
erring family members. It results in lack of concern for the common good, and acts as a block to national
consciousness. Extreme personalism It takes things personally, cannot separate objective task from
emotional involvement. Because of this the Filipino is uncomfortable with bureaucracy, with rules and
regulations and with standard procedures. We use personal contacts, and gives preference to family and
friend in hiring services and even voting.


We all know that there so many global issue in this country the first one is the poverty the first come in
to my mind to think what is the possible solutions is to have a job because this is a great way to reduce
poverty. When people have jobs, they have income, and when people have income, they can more
easily get themselves out of poverty. And as i remember U.N. says that “unemployment and
underemployment lies at the core of poverty. For the poor, labor is often the only asset they can use to
improve their well-being.” The second one is the lack of education, some people are not really
interested to study it because they don't have enough money to study. A lack of education can be
defined as a state where people have a below-average level of common knowledge about basic things
that they would urgently need in their daily life. For instance, this could include basic knowledge in
math, writing, spelling, etc. Especially in poor developing countries, educational inequality is quite


This is the common efforts between the school and the community whereas the goal is for the benefits
of the students and the residence of the community. The partnership is covered by certain
memorandum or MOA basis for the application of activities, Example of community partnership one of
the prominent example is the anti drug campaign partnership, seminar and guidance among the youth
and other residence of the community conducted by the authorities of the barangay and schools
wherein the output before sociological environment.


The teacher must be a model in a certain community. They should observed the willingness to provide
proper education to their students. Patients and sacrifice has time to coordinate with the community,
authorities to discuss problem and solutions to whatever probable needed for school and community.
Actively participating and giving dessiminating vital information being profesional had a capability to
approach the community to explain and discuss vital information

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