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Jini Abraham
• Most effective technique for measuring bone mineral density (BMD)
• Osteoporosis – deficient bone matrix with normal mineralization
• Women after menopause and estrogen deficiency
• Vertebral anomalies, medications causing bone loss and thyroid conditions
• Hip and spine
 Photons produced from a low dose energy source

 2 X-ray beams with 2 different energy peaks are passed through the body,
one peak gets absorbed by the soft tissue and the other by the bone

 Generates a two dimensional image

 Soft tissue amount is subtracted from the total area, giving the bone
mineral density.

 These measurements are then compared with the normal ranges matched
for chronological age(T and Z scores)
 T score shows the amount of bone that is compared with a young adult of
the same gender with peak bone mass. The T score is used to estimate your
risk of developing a fracture.
A score above -1 is considered normal
A score between -1 and -2.5 - Osteopenia(low bone mass)
A score below -2.5 is defined as osteoporosis.

 Z score shows the amount of bone, compared with other people in your
age group and of the same size and gender. Z score mainly diagnoses to the
risk of having a fracture.
 Benefits –

 Quick and non invasive procedure

 No anaesthesia required

 Accurately measures the fracture risk

 Less radiation exposure


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