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Constitutional Developments

Objective Resolution (1949)

Presented by Liaquat Ali Khan in First constitutional assembly on 12-03-1949

Sovereignty of Allah

Principles of Democracy

Islamic way of life

Federal form of government

Fundamental rights for all

Protection of minorities’ rights

Independence of Judiciary

Peaceful foreign policy

Constitutional Crisis (1949-1956)

1956 Constitution

1962 Constitution

1973 Constitution

8th amendment

13th &14th amendment

17th amendment

18th amendment

Very significant development

Education after 18th amendment

Article 25-A grants free and compulsory education to every citizen

Curriculum development a provincial subject

Higher education policies, HECs also vested to provinces

Support: Provincial autonomy, Improved management, increased enrolment, fewer dropouts

Against: Threat to national integration, Different standards of education, Budget constraints,

provincial capacity issues, Language

Critical: Must remain a provincial subject with federal oversight

19th-24th amendments

25th amendment

Role of courts

Islamic provisions of 1973 constitution

Islamic spirit in state structure (State religion, President, PM must be a Muslim)

Promotion of Quranic teachings (State sponsored translation, Compulsory teaching in Schools)

Preservation of faith (Definition of Muslim, Qadiani’s declared Non-Muslim)

Striving for an Islamic society (Social aspects)

Legislation as per true spirit of Islam (CII, Sharia benches, Parliamentarians’ faith)

An Islamized foreign policy (Article 40, Fraternal relations with Muslim countries, OIC)

Centre/ province relations after 1973 constitution

Provincial parity through equal representation in upper house

Constitutional bodies to maintain harmony (CCI, NFC)

Abolition of concurrent list, devolution of ministries

Decreased power of center to manage provinces through governors

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