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Early Challenges

Initial problems

India’s hostile attitude

Influx of refugees

Threats to geographical integrity

Non-existent administrative structure

States’ accession issues

Uneven distribution of assets

Canal water dispute

Lack of infrastructure

Leadership void

Constitutional crisis

Deteriorating law and order situation

Emergence of East-West divide

Economic crisis

Initial political turmoil (1947-1958)

Ayyub’s Era (1958-1971)

Fall of Dhaka (1971)

A very significant event

Several underlying causes

Multitude of differences

Geographical, cultural and social differences, distance, language

Political and Economic grievances of East

Population majority, defense spending, capital location, Industrialization in west

Indifference and high-handedness of West

Situation in 1950s, Dictator role, 1970 cyclone, elections and ensuing crisis

India’s support for separatists

Training to Mukti Bahni, International propaganda, Indra Gandhi’s comments

Not a negation of Two nation theory
Indian propaganda against two nation theory after separation of East Pakistan

It was a political and administrative failures

Not moved by religious ideology

East Pakistan became an independent Muslim state, not a part of India

Bhutto’s Era (1972-1977)

Zia’s Era (1977-1988)

Period of Troika (1988-1999)

Musharraf’s Era (1999-2007)

PPP Era (2007-2013)

PML-N Era (2013-18)

Naya Pakistan (2018-…)

General Election 2018

PTI managed to form govt in Center, Punjab and KPK

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