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Balochistan Crisis


Balochistan largest province of Pakistan with 43% of its land area but merely 5% of its population

Rugged and mountainous regions rich in mineral resources (Gas, petroleum, metals)

Spreads into neighboring Iran and Afghanistan

Majority population of Baloch ethnicity with Pashtun being other major group, also comprises of
Sindhis and Punjabis

Background of insurgency

Roots lie beyond partition of India in 1947 ( Anjuman-e-Ittehad-e-Balochistan wanted a united and
independent Balochistan)

Khan of Kalat tried to accede with India but failed, Quaid-e-Azam convinced him to join Pakistan

Merger of Western provinces into One Unit led to insurgency and armed conflict in Balochistan
which died down when General Yahya dissolved One Unit

In 1974 Bhutto dismissed Balochistan’s provincial govt and ordered military action against remaining

Insurgency revitalized in Musharraf era when Bugti tribe took arms against Pervaiz Musharraf’s
military government

Violence has dropped to much extent in recent years with many separatists disarming themselves
and joining mainstream

Causes of unrest in Balochistan

Economic marginalization of Balochistan

Geographical ruggedness, lack of infrastructure, no Industrialization or mineral processing zones

Highest infant and maternal mortality rate, the highest poverty rate, and the lowest literacy rate in

Share in national GDP dropped from 4.9 (1970) to 3.7% (2012)

Gwadar port controlled by federal government

Resource and revenue distribution issues

Balochistan receives less per/unit in royalties than Sindh and Punjab provinces

Did not receive fair share in CPEC (Western route controversy)

Low representation in national institutions

Very low numbers in civil administration and armed forces

Low admissions in higher education institutes in other provinces

Exploitation by tribal leaders and chieftains

Main culprits behind dilapidated condition of the populace

Immigrations and demographic transitions

Most skilled labor imported from other provinces, this caused a demographic shift in Balochistan

Baloch fear of being made a minority in their own province

Immigration from Balochistan to other parts of country (Karachi, Punjab)

Excessive military actions

Highhandedness of center, democratic and military governments alike (Bhutto, Musharraf)

military's "harsh response" leads to "a spiral of violence"

alienates moderate elements of the society

Construction of military cantonments a major flashpoint

Hotbed for foreign interference

India: Wants to destabilize Pakistan through providing support to Baloch separatists, Hamper
prospects for CPEC development

Afghanistan: Provides training grounds to separatists,

Israel: Supports insurgency to use them as proxy against Iran (Declassified CIA documents)

US: officially rejects any interference but wants to maintain presence in the region to pressurize
Pakistan against Afghan Taliban

Impact of Balochistan Crisis

National security concern

Loss of military and civilian life

Killings of non-Balochi residents and workers

Damage to national property and resources (buildings, gas, energy routes)

Threats to CPEC

Major cause of concern for Chinese authorities

Attacks on CPEC installations

Killings and kidnappings of chinses personnel

Proliferation of militant sectarian outfits

Human rights violations

Missing person cases,

Steps take to overcome Balochistan Crisis

Aghaz-e-Haqooqe Balochistan Project

Only 15 out of 62 proposals could be implemented

Education initiatives in Balochistan

Increase in education budge, tripled in last 8 years

Balochistan Basic Education Programme (BEEP) 7.4 million Euros invested in Balochistan education
sector with support from UNICEF and EU

Charted universities in Turbat and Loralai

Higher education scholarships for Balochistan’s students

CPEC related developments

Development of Gwadar into international port city

Infrastructural development through roads and highways

Industrial and minerals processing zones is Quetta, Gawadar, Khusdar, Hub and Dera Murad Jamali

Improved security situation in the region

Steps for Energy sufficiency – Grid stations, Kharan Dam, IP gas pipeline, Electricity imported form

Further suggestion for dealing with Balochistan issue

Infrastructure development on priority

Balochistan can serve as route to Afghanistan CARs

Immediate resolution of missing person cases

Movement controls at Iran and Afghanistan Border

Countering Indian Propaganda against State

Recent developments

CPEC and Balochistan

CPEC cell established by Balochistan govt and world bank

No development in Balochistan under CPEC outside Gwadar port

No progress on Western route

Only 9pc development projects allocated to Balochistan

Only $1 billion spent so far

All development projects of Balochistan scrapped under PSDP 2018-19

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