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FATA reforms

Recent developments

Dec 2018; Tribal areas in constitutional and administrative void since Dec 1

PHC struck down FATA interim Government Regulation (FIGR) terming it unconstitutional

25th amendment hastily passed, Executive and judiciary not separated

Frontier crimes regulation (FCR) repealed, Article 247 scrapped

Need of New provinces

Political system and Reforms

Hopes for sustained democracy in Pakistan

Establishment of Democracy as de facto political system

Third democratic transfer of power after 2018 elections

Only time in the history of Pakistan

Constitutional safeguards to Democracy

18th amendment, Article 6 (A) abrogation made high treason

Supportive role of judiciary

Improved security situation

Return of peace and stability

Military operation targeting extremists (Karachi operation, Zarb e azab, Raddul fisaad )

Establishment of military courts

Vibrant political culture/politically charged society

High voter turnout, active campaigning process, increased interest in parliamentary proceedings,

Diminishing military interference in politics

No overt attempts to takeover, consistent assurances by military leadership

Independent media as democratic watchdog

Several private channels and newspaper

Media has become active stakeholder in political process

Open debate on social media on various political issues

Threats to democracy in Pakistan

Faults within the electoral system

Allegations of rigging in last election

Ineptitude of Election commission

Colonial era voting mechanism (Manual voting) (FPTP method)

Immature political attitudes

Politicians wrangling for power

Destructive role of opposition (wants only to disrupt ruling party, bitter losers)

Civil military rift

Civil dependence on army

Allegations of Political engineering and election meddling (Foreign media, election observers)
Deteriorating economic situation

Growing foreign debt burden and trade deficit

Destabilization of currency, depleting foreign reserves

Noninclusive nature of political system

Low participation of women and minorities, none by Ahmadi community

No voting rights for oversees Pakistanis

Judicial hyper-activism

Judicial interference in legislative and administrative affairs- judicialization of politics

Excessive use of contempt of court and Suo Motus

Selective accountability procedure

How to strengthen democracy in Pakistan?

Development of a democratic culture

Democracy is not just an election, it is our daily life. Tsai Ing-wen

Ensuring political stability and democratic continuity

Strict observation of constitutional limits by every institution

Structural reforms in economic sector

Ensuring provision of basic amenities to the people

Professionally mature, responsible and objective role of media

Introduction of electoral reforms on urgent basis

Proportional representation, Strict spending limits, voting rights to oversees Pakistan,

Special focus on including women and minorities

Election Reforms in Pakistan

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