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WEEK 9 day 1

5 min emom:
(every minute on the minute)
tgu x 1 each side

sl broad jump: 3 x 3

goblet squats 4 x 12
pushups 4 x 11
sl sit-ups 3 x 20

rfess 4 x 8
1-arm row 4 x 9
russian twist 3 x 20
WEEK 9 day 2
1 mile run
time it

special guest:
coach laRue
8pm Cst
WEEK 9 day 3

5 min emom:
(every minute on the minute)
kb Squat clean x 8

alt lunge jumps 3 x 4/4

15 min amrap
kb swings x 10
uneven pushups x 5
situps x 10
goblet squats x 10
kb curl x 10
sprinter sit-up x 10
WEEK 9 day 4
speed warmup:
a Skip
Wall March - 1, 3, 5, 7
falling starts - 3 x 10yds

set 1: Sprint 3 x 40yds

rest 2 minutes after rep

set 2: sprint 3 x 50yds

rest 2 minutes after rep

set 3: sprint 2 x 75yds

rest 3 minutes after rep

Key Points:
1) To get faster you must give maximum
2) during periods of rest, walk, move
around, and be active, don't just stand
or sit.
3) Arms must move fast "cheek to back
pocket" with arms at 90 degrees
4) Push force into the ground with the big
toe out of the gates
WEEK 9 day 5
5 min emom:
(every minute on the minute)
burpee x 8

squats jump: 3 x 6

sa kb swings 4 x 8ea
1/2 kneeling press 4 x 8ea
plank 3 x 1 min

half rack rev. lunge 4 x 8

alt sumo row 4 x 8
side plank 3 x 30s
WEEK 9 day 6
get outside and go

that's an order!
movie assigment:
WEEK 9 day 7

and get
what about supplements?
if you're going to use supplements, keep it
simple and make sure they are informed sport
certified ensuring they are free of banned
substances or contaminations. supplements
can certainly be helpful, but they aren't
absolutely necessary.

i like the brand zurvita and their performance

line and protein because i have firsthand
experience with the brand as a consumer and
also have intimate knowledge about their
production process. however, you can use what
you want as long as you choose clean, banned
substance free products if you use any
supplements at all.

Click Logo for Supplements

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