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Learning Outcome
 Identify musical characteristics of selected Asian musical theater through
video films.
 Describe how the musical elements contribute to the performance of the
musical production.
 Identify the instruments that accompany Wayang Kulit
 Explain the distinguishing characteristics of representative Asian musical
 Describe how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a
particular Asian musical theater.
 Create or improvise appropriate sound, music, gestures, movements, props
and costumes for performance of a chosen Asian traditional musical and theatrical
 Evaluate music and music performances applying knowledge of musical
elements and style.

II. Subject Matter

 Topic/Skills
Wayang Kulit

 Materials
- Smart TV, Speakers, Textbooks

 Reference
- The 21st century MAPEH in Action Work text.

 Subject Integration
- History
- Arts

 Multiple Intelligence
Musical Intelligence - appreciating the culture and tradition of South Asia and
Middle East through music

 Values Integration
Music Appreciation

III. Learning Activities

 Review/Drill
- Review the music of India. (Quiz)

 Explore-Motivation to Presentation
- The teacher will present the topic “Wayang Kulit” through a game inspired by
“PANTS”. There will be two volunteers to play the game. The mechanics of the game
is to name things under each letter of the word “Wayang Kulit”
Ex. Name of an artist that starts with letter W!
Name a country that starts with letter A!
So on and so forth until the word “Wayang Kulit” is formed.
 Firm Up- Comparison and abstraction/discussion
Discuss the characteristics of Wayang Kulit, its elements, and its instruments.

 Deepen-fixation/generalization/synthesis
Question: What is Wayang Kulit

 Transfer-Application/ Values integration

IV. Evaluation
 Performance task
Students will be group into four. Each group will perform a Wayang kulit with
their original storyline. The performance should not be under 3 minutes. 10 minutes

 Other evidences

V. Remarks

BI Jerome
BI Julia

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