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Dear Victoria,

This letter is not easy to write, in fact I wish I didn’t have to, but there have been

problems in this relationship that I cannot let slide any longer. It is no secret that

you and I have had some incredible moments together, you have seen me at my

most vulnerable and caressed me in ways that no brand has done before.

Throughout my womanhood you have supported me and loved me in ways that I

will forever be grateful for. But unfortunately, while I continued to grow as an

individual, you remained stagnant, making everyone uncomfortable by forcing

your unrealistic beauty standards, making excuses, and refusing to represent

women of all sizes and colors. Plus don’t think I forgot all the scandals you’ve

been involved in regarding sustainability and child labor! Transparency is key,

Victoria, and you simply have too many secrets. I’ve begun seeing someone new -

I’m sure you’ve heard of them, Savage x Fenty. They support me, flatter me, and

love all women (yeah, it’s an open relationship, but keyword OPEN, there are no

secrets here!) I’m sorry Victoria, I really am, I never wanted it to end like this. But

in the case of our relationship, it’s not me, it’s you.

I wish you the best (and some serious self reflection).

No longer yours,

Kendall Gruidel

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