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data - данные

our data base has been stolen.\ the data base was stolen.

resolve - разрешить \\\ solve - soluthion

he has resolved this arguement between two friends.

invertebrate fauna - фауна беспозвоночных

Nowadays invertebrate fauna is still growing.

wiped out -стерто -

the server's data base has been wiped out.

domelike - куполообразный -
all the churches have domelike roofs.

recovered a sample - восстановил образец

after a huge accident\failure, the professor likely recoverd the main sample.

sediment - осадок -
After the professor's accident\failure, all of the samples became sediment.

began to evaporate - начал улетучиваться -

\\suddenly the smell of perfect food do!es! not want to evaropate.\\
the sea water can evaporate into clouds.

gypsum layer - гипсовый слой

the bulding has crashed down because of the gypsum layers under it.

silt -ил
the fisherman agitated too much silt in the river. \\, so it is not benefiting him.
The fisherman agitated too much silt in the river; he is not a good fisherman.

oceanic ooze - океанический ил

Oceanic ooze is a problem for the divers.

deceive обманывать

circumstances обстоятельства
interfere вмешиваться
justified оправданный
initiate an unprovoked attack on another nation. - инициировать неспровоцированное
нападение на другую нацию.
binding upon обязательный для
overridden отвергнутый
arbitrarily произвольно

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