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Diminsed Patterns] (Sea) diminished scale technology C709) P79) p79) ofo = obo = fo laveto: o - ° Bes 8 ig cb? 49 me 1 13,b9 bres) p79) -— — is —|— SSS SSS PE a —e te. le — A Gm? C709) \ Fmaj7 6 Gs re be © ° diminshed scale = te = Diminished scale Technology The diminished scale is an 8 note scale. The recurring pattern is: whole step, half step, whole step, half step.. The diminished scale works well with diminished chords and dominant 7" °$ chords. For diminished chords, build the scale trom the root ex. C#4iM chord - use D’, E°, E, F#,G, A,B’, C, D? For a dominant 7'"** chord build the scale from the b9, ot build the scale from the root but start the scale with a half step ex. C7"® chord - use C, D’, EE, F#,G, A,B,C Notes that are a whole step above any chord tone may be added to a diminished chord There are only three unique diminished scales. 1. The dim. scales for the diminished chords C#°, E°, G°. B°? , all contain the same notes. 2. The dim. scales for the dominant 7'"*? chords: C?, Eb’, Gb’, A’ all contain the same notes.

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