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Tips for Helping Kids Wear Masks My mask protects you, and your mask protects me. Ie may be scary for kd to start wearing a mask, ere are some types to help them through ft ‘Masks are ony for children aver two years Dm Let them pick it out! Let bids choose their cotor ar fobric or decoration for their masks, Decorating ‘masks fn ony iit doesnot affect the integrity of the mask Surgical masks ° ! ° Wear it properly. Teach them to wash hands fr 20 seconds ‘before touching the mask Net, pu ton ‘and lop it oround ears. Make sure to cover thease, chin and mauth ful. nd, Fusing should not be decovated cloth masks, wash them after every use Be a mask Make play masks for role model yourself. stuffed animals or dolls. Wear your mask and explain howe keeps ‘oth you and others safe Help them, using materias around the house, to make mask for tei toys U Practice wearing the mask. ‘Start at home with short periods of time white doing fun ates. Some may only need a few minutes to adust, while others may ned to practice daly Gradually work upto 30 minutes. Follow a plan and offer rewards. constency hls frm good habits ‘ake aplon wth you Family ondstckto Find whot motes our hd ard se some fin goa or sel revaris needed. We are here For you! As you adapt to all the changes, know you're not alone. Get all our latest care advice at: lnfnatien above sorcd frm te recommendations ofthe Centers fr Dease Cott and Prevention CDC) Heart mala Seely

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