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Math Assessment with Intervention using Individual Instruction

Division Error Analysis and Individualized Instruction

Maria demonstrated
 Place value
 Understanding of the “big 7” method of division
 Knows division facts easy/hard
 Works well with zeros
 Knows multiplication facts easy/hard
 Records correctly

Maria’s errors
 Added remainder into answer
 Simple recording error
 Error in working with zero as quotient
 Breaking down into smaller numbers to work with in the multi digit problems
 Messy work; made mistakes when crossing out

3 activities
1. I would have Marie go over her assignment with a friend talking through what she was doing
and why. She would use a white board to redo the problem showing the procedural steps.
Have her break up the larger numbers to make it easier. She would check her answers by
multiplying the quotient and the divisor.

2. A division worksheet with problems that have a remainder, using graph paper, there are also
division problems already completed and you are to find the problems that are incorrect and
redo ones that are wrong.

3. I would incorporate doing math games. They could play long division, place
value, or fun math games.

Marie seems to understand division and just made simple mistakes. She might not understand
what to do with a remainder and what it means.

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