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32 OBERON Dd EES ul ‘On medadlingMonkeyor fy i Beor or Wolf or Bull, , ‘i SY Ape, (Be ntion Beare York one ee, Masser a air SY Ae. Bee SS | 6] impetuous J-88 (impetuoso) — freer) °. = = But who comes here? am invisible Dock’ wer kommt hier? (eh~ binunsctiee =p wu gJ-8-— Timp. Enter Demetris. Demetrius ttt out In tempo ' vv \ L DEMETRIUS Ban. 18707 : 2 Enter Helena, pursuing him oct Pe D. = = love thee not, therefore pursue me not, lies! dich wich, folg mir da-rumnicht mer! — of pS — == == 7 je a iM = Ae — (4) 9 @ Where-is-Lysander, and falr-Hermi-o? The one fl Wo ist Lysander’ dnd. wo. Herm-0? Thou—told'st other slayeth sSlays-the lay fr in, doch Hermia fo tet un~to—this—-woody” And-here—amv in die- sen ‘Mun bin ich 34 inthis wood, Be-cause 1 cannot meet my Her - mi - Wil- his wild, Und fin - de nimmer = mei~ ne Her = mi 38) D. $$ S= Hence, get thee gone, ‘and- follow me no more. Fort, heb! dich weg > und fol-ge mir nicht mehr! P panting (keuchend) f HELENA ‘You draw me, >, Du ziehst mich... 4 stow dim. =— lO 0 eS SS T T 4 Leave you your, power to draw, re ab, petal " an -_ 2u-ziehn, = mea = BH. 16707 DEMETRIUS Dp Dol en Hab'ich —ver~ Nie “tice you?Do-t ‘Speck. you" fair? Orra-ther do not in| = lockt Euch? Hob'ich mich ver~ stell? Sag’ ich Euch nicht — die Wahrheit ' aE ' 2 \ 2 een f “ — ee ayataie te tp 6 F f= ip S60 oh =plain-est_truths . Tel yor Te hot, nor=}cannot rund her- ous? —____ ‘Sag’ ich nicht deutlich, dess ich Euch nicht ae Ban. 1707 37 3 Hel, Site t © E St - spurn— me, strike — me, = stoss'_ mich, Schlag — mich, ———= oo on- ly give me leave (Un ~ wor ~ thy 0 ber dul-de mich — (un - wir = dig 2) | asitates 24 (agitato) — = os | om)— to fol - - = low wie ich bin) zur Sei - ~~ te thee. it Bimuted) OEM rk Wankel) — 5 tht tet a 3 — — aS SS tra eS ae ee a a ee ee Sat ° — pesos oe er Pr te fre PE ees — ce _ _ Be Sst eS ae Ben 10707 38 1 am sick when 1 ook not Und mir _Ver= druss, wenn ich nicht pe 80 o apt t Todo look™on==thee: Ihr in mei - ner NGAI ——. Piresc. Hel Pi=="urr fron thee="and==hide==me-itm=—the leh lau-fe fort, ver - ber ~ ge mich im Busch Und always crese. (44) C _ 1 BE —— — == pte tie Fi you He goes out (Er eilt fort.) til fallow 30 fa tite pe PO Teh folge = § leave thee to the las- se Euch der Be 18707 75 [82] impetuous 4-68 (impetuoso) ww. ik HELENA approaching {naher kommend) Ff treey ttre) freely ti) 4 foe ete 03" —— es —_ = ——= te eine [ore =P? — = Stay, the thou kill me, ‘sweet Deme-tri-us. Steh’ “order ter mich, On Demetrius af p 6 dt ¢ ; | . tt | ll DEMETRIUS cunning in (kommt aufend) fi 2 1 charge —thee——hence;—and donot Ver ~ stehst du nicht, dass ich dich Demetrius following nevenalreis eed) pathetic — (pathetisch) —=| a E #. (© wilt. thou darkling Dass dy von mir gehst * een 18707 76 Hel, 83} P SO. sein. running out (iduft fort) DEMETRIUS — crese. on thy au nur Ste Biel iat a= lone will hier. {denn ich —geh” ‘al = (ossia) Stay on thy pe-ril, Bleib’ du nur fein bier pp cresc. | am out of breath, this fond chase, ich bin gonz er- schépft die - ser Jagd, sinking exhausted 78 i erschoptt) Ba. 18707 156 Oberon and Puck listen. Oberon und Puck lauschen, but not this the man. doch sts nkche der Monn, DEMETRIUS mfg ——=———___ ——— Sah Re oe HERMIA crese ————S—_——— If thou host stain Ly-san-der in his Schlugst du ly - Son - — devn,do er org-bs him that —loves~ you ich Euch ie J, Her fay Puowinbe depp wreialte tee ak = 187 wilt thou -me-trus, ib ihn mir! Out dog, out cur, oh in - wea, Gu una Bo > ra-~ ther give his car - cass to my hounds. Den Hun - den gad ith lie - berth zum Frass. Thim then? er brocht guilty of Ly-Son) In bin schuldig an Ly-san — @ b Her pray thee tell methen that he 15, well Biv’ den, Sa-ge mur, doss er ech Le, : ——= at 1 could, wi ennt'epsoucn, “wos, p 158 , = with force (mit Nachdruck) Her. - never to see Mich Sle ‘zu seth, dos Vorrecht ge rent ‘should get therefore? wa-re mir da- fir? oo! oad He lo? £ dim. of furious(wiltend) from thy ha - ted $0) ver-lass* ich Presence part 1 so; See re : : me, no more dei-ne — Schné-de Nah ‘Du ach-te wohl, 1 PB =o Exit (by rs a Her. Sj ¢ a4 | mene Boh DEMETRIUS 2 ley ee is "no following nun zu felgen, wa 139 erin_—this- fierce vein, ——— there-fore for a wont ver- gebi-ne Muh; ser ist es denn, while bwill re = main. sor-row's hea = vi - ‘dass ich hier ver - Zieh nanet der Grom in 5 OBERON —(HiURng eee, PP flegt sich nieder) stor test rows fLGS | genes] Cet. b, P Teams: ken gute enn Eire ag we ss '2 he “ar Bas gnsore BQH. 18707 164 =— LYSANDER 2 => udge - ment,when to her 1 gn Bind) helt” 'schenkle fir meine Here HELENA, Nor none in my mind, nowyou give her o'er Und 1st nicht Blindbets ie Se feet Yer = PF De-me- tri-us loves De-me - tri-us —tieot loves not. edt nicht Ba H, 18707 an lt 165 ow Very impetuous J-88 (molto impetuoso) ch DEMETRIUS, nymph, per-fect, = tin mei —— shall pare thine eyne? To what, ——-my~— love, = gen Strohl? Wo - mit ver ~ gleich ich 4, Cry~ stat 1s~mud=dy, ripe in show Thy De = mant ist tra bey nol - des Bild, Wie 2 these kissing _—_cher-~ ries, temp ting===-grow! trees pen Poor zum’ Kus ~ se. Schwilt BAH. 18707 166 That~pure con = Wie leuch- tend Stes, Fann'd-with the eastern Ribrt es der Ostwind, =, ‘thou hold'st—up. ‘thy—-hand, du die Hand er - hebst. Pe 0 > This—Prin-— cess of pure Gon — ne “mire des Pel nen Ban. 18707 a glenzt whitey gea - ledwhite, dos Weiss, wind, turns toa crow, When wird es wie die Kréh,” Wenn i this seal Hira mes’ Hoch ~ 167 ==——, of — bliss: — ge = russ: © spite! 0 Schmach? — — with force (mit Nachdruck) Hel —= you all are bent set a-gainst ‘al-ie seid Mich so Zu quo~ SSS g B.eH, 18707 — aoa, 2» 168 Hel me for your merriment - Ten nur"zu" gern bevel LsaNnoer ————=. You re un-kind, De-me-- tri-us, be not so, Du hondelst schieshit, — De-me- tri-us, Siist nicht wels, u 50, For you ive Her-mica; wes, Denn “tu ebsr HER MIe DEMETRIUS " Look “where thy love Hier kommt Her - mi - o, Timp! —— ares HERMIA — eMlering _(ouftretenay know | know. — iches. weiss. at ha ‘iter kommt dein Lieb= chen. 3 > BAH. 18707 rH i rr o—e 174 _— ee He ce ofa 2 Tee ; SSS lig my soul, fair mck UG Hele - 78) ERMA’ ex - yun = cel-lent! der- bart = += Trou Not — SS If she cannot en treat, | 1 Und git the Bit= ten nich'so Git de Bee lL >~, zm, >—, > 3S ee ff, > _ alka 84H. 18707 a fe love- her more-than lies be Se” walt 175 = thou say so, with-draw ond prove it sagst du” des’ “so hommm, be'- Weise auch HERMIA (poles Lysander [79 tend) ly - s on - der, where - to tends all ly - son - der, wie en ~ det dos shoking off Hermio (schuttett Hermia ob) == z = 28 Hang off thew cat, thou 5 t808 a mes es Shine no, sir, sach-te, — are p ue er Tees OY Oe 6g SNE ‘to breakloose:You BaH 18707 176 Why are you grown so nude) Woe men ree in Vile thing,let loose. Or _|_will shaketheefromme like a du Miss ge- schépt, ——Ichwert'dich fort wie ei - ne gitt'-ge SS vn fife SSS SS changeis this sweet love, sweet love? eat Sven den, “en mein beh on f 2 Est == SS zs Thy love? “out, tow-ny Tor-tar, Dein Lieb? 2i Pn Re Outi 7 ~ geu- ne-rin, hin-weg. ‘you! —— Préch’ er tos," tut wohl, als wollf er fol-gen You SS 177 80) f Do you not Ist Gos ein f ‘Qut loathed me-di-cine; _ha-ted po-tion,hence. Fort, garst-ge Me-di-zin, _bitt-re Pil-le fort! __ wom fe Ses p= [SSS == & Ss a = e = yes spot aches ou £ 2 _ ven Fea on ‘Scherz? £ —_ eS EEA oetnerim ues £ — = ee ety >. SE — — 7} — _ ' would | had your bond: 7 _ SS Sop 7 ¥ Ban. 1w707 a hh ey a 178 so do 30. schezst t, should | hurt her, strike her, Som STS le HSB; Songer {"iinottrust your word, Thichts git mirdein Wort a] ee Although | ote her, hate her, Vilnot harm her so. ‘ch sie has-se has Se Ww ich thr kein Lei. >> “* ss What, canyou deme greater harm then Welch 'grescser Led Kann mir ge-seheim ‘IR ate? | Am = = u bi —SS= = ; = pemerrius f $- f- ty= ‘sander keep thy Hermia, Bleid du beh deiner” Hermes Ay PONE: Spt aH 18707 eee 179 ween Sm i ee = = EF You both ~ wowace ae ou gre rivals and love Her - mi- Ie Sed RP - vo2 en? ond fede her > ml . _ a Her Je — ee Her-mig?Are you not Ly - son - der? 4 mr Meramio?Bish Gu richt Uj son = der? Maen: Goosen ed kan Baas 5 L SS $ =f arr me ei Ay, by my life cer-tointis no jest, That | do hate thee andioeHe - — le- Ja, sei du nur ge-wiss, es ist kein Scherz, Ich has-se dich und lie-be He - le- A= SSS ee pe = Mf-e'er- | lov'd her ail that love is gone. Liebtiehsle“Jes dom Ist Oe Lieb var - Be = ta > a 5 eet == = at =H f === Hel. — And now are _ri- vals to mock He - le-na—— Wert = sirel = fer nun, ver spot-tet He = le= na. harm ‘ate? «Ome, you juggler you canker-blossom, grgoter harem, ha" fcs? Swe “Gu Veer “Gt! fol'sche Schon ge, fs — L Seal Kemeayseaian ae ee D. = SS SS ae tee nie dies Re SESE ome ee UAE URS >—~, >. BAH. 18707 180 with force (mit Nachdruck) —— ou oh conker-blossom—__ ——— of love. fet3Sche Schonge —— Biot = bes- diet That | love He-le-na, love He- leno, Ich lie - be He-le-ro, nur He= lena —_ ope: Fe er cee F (tariousy(mitenay dim. roll nd counterfeit, Bie Heuchtesrin, 82] Siow and precise J: 60 (lento e preciso) — HERMIA DP S === SSS uppet? hy pot, 12h De 1a Se a PS 8:8. 18707 ‘Soll nicht 185 LYSANDER _f Smeoth (gebunden) << je not a- fraid, she shall not harm thee, rurcete dich nicht,’ “sie tut ‘kein Leid dir, DEMETRIUS 3 we sim. Youare too of - fix cious. thr Seid 20" ge = schaf-tig r ser vinces.— Fen Dienst ver sehmat f eHow f thou dort, Nun folg mit wenn das wags! Noy 1 Nein, ich thine or mine, is 0b dein's, ob mei = nes Rg ‘Of thine or mine dein’s, 05 mel ~ nes —————_ | o. y bp Exeunt Lysander ang Oemetrius, 2 f Lysander ind De ob [86] Lively(vivo) J. 92 Fett i bamistress, “di thy con a fruvFravicin.” ine sed aS Gis == Ss Youmist is coi _p__tense®—Gl S sous Stes, * L4H, 19707 193 Ben (rate DEMETRIUS (iston) mg = gg Imitating Lysender (Lysandern nachahmend) Puck A F * F oaggiy oe eee SE BIG SE St In his own voice (mit eigener Stimme) f 0 Fol-low my voice, well hd wet et Fete? f Felg'mir nut nach,’ ‘tum Yea, art thou there? He,’ bist du dort? B.eH. 18707 iy > => =a f dim, 195 — == L. For if, but once i show an mirarce Seats oh = === Lysander aleps Enter Puck Ufone shtaten, Puck rit aut Quick fallegro} spite. Feind. Puck i === FE = icles, cryemmiirs Hebeicorms: ny Simmeiaeinan {entfernt, Lysandern nachohmend) — —s= ———== ——— Come hi-ther:. Tam here —— me hi- ‘RIUS distant enter) a erm rer-her, ich bin hier META (eutend) | Puck ‘Where ort thou now’ Wo bist du nun? 84H. 18707 _ Lx BB» 196 Some MES NT our - —__ ee a ee er ; 2 2 f= PS Epp pp thenthoumociStme: Thoushaltbuy this dear e-ver I thy face By aeoichr Se eerrct inch, ia becomes ee” Ween satee Ta-ge3-licht dich seta Set S85, Fars — z [6] auiet jranquitio) Demetrius les down, an Some a Se ate _ eas — 2 aad Now gothy way Fentress constanethne—- To meesure ot Jeet 28 na int (mich zw che Mich tel — Deas eh er oh ey = » ———_—_ Oy 1 — . ; SSS ef gta Fe appteets length on this. cold dir > nicht fol gen Sp-prvach look tobe vi-si-ted - (ehh rich Sich cs f= SS =—— SS Enigr Puck followed by Helen, [97] Quick (a/tegro) ‘Puck von Helena peel, tau Ban 18707 217 rail. - DEMETRIUS PreB pend) Pee nee z He- le-na! He ~ e-na! Horns (off) more tively lebhotter) = 3 BP te> LYSANDER woking BP (erwachend) Her- Her = a 4 SS = ee ns (off) Hort BL H.18707 220 a ——_ ebhatter ) Herf i see. things with por-ted thinks, _lseethese things with ported sy ig) DEMETRIUS mp Ban. 18707 = 2at Tepeat ad Tib. slow cresc. and animating. (poco a poco crese. ed animando) 19a] filvely Clebhatt) Wie Se ee Hel _—— the four lovers should sing the bars shown in amall notes at Liebespaare die Stichnoten [8 ingen werden, stgen 84H, 18707 =—_~_ = 222 (99 Calm and rubato (tranquillo con rubato) ight (veh!) > Hel ine own, and not mine own Mi’ Sein’ Gnd doch ‘meh mein [-have-found fair He ~ len, like 0 ich hab’ He = le - 1a, der’ schon-ste ‘And Und light ——— HERMIA PB % rt ound + der, like Mi 1h tin dee On Ya URS min ist lightly ‘And, Und Mine-own,—ond “hot mine own. Ist mein’ ane doch nicht — mein HELENA _ ee! 6 rE = pba pe a a Teh tina “un Boome Hus ike sides a =! iE Pe = own, ond not mine Syn mein’ tnd Gch TERE etn Lightly L. = ae ge = i = SEs | have found Sweet He: ich Gie suse se Ist_mein’ Und doch ueht er BH. 18707 a P 223 abs 7 . en 1 fine own, and mine own. ~ ~ ive, A Sort Sed ah Tan en —= === 4 = Hert : $ 4 SS Ang | have found Ly - san-der, [i eh tin "de Stam’ BY > Somsder und Sein ' fin ~ de have found: fair He le - na, He - len, der’ like jewel, schen-ste ‘Schatz Mine own, ‘and not Ist mein’ und doch . — wef =>] i Ard have found De-me-trius, like a Bn TT &™ fr 256 They kneel to Theseus St hnien vor Theseus 52] always in tempo/sempre a tempo) HELENA Pp Par - don, my Lord ‘meln Fars, —— HERMIA Bor -don,_— my Lord. —— LYsaNoeR __ ire" dt men Fert. _—— my Lord, ‘mein First. DEMETRIUS my Lord, — Gna = de, —— mein Furst THESEUS They se, Sie erheben sien oh Pe = S 1 know you ive were rival e-ne-mies.- ew ? tone i, Oe A we 4H, 19707 See aea_ Sra —=S as a 4 = 5 + rig sts = 5 = 4p Te paren oo = z Siu was sn te, ‘arse. LYSANOER Bust lence, here comes This-by Bay Sa SF me Tha: Be here comes This I San lB Fiske tnt Tyispy (rate Allegretto J:+95 Tse (at Atos = Lion Lowe es f & i a 2 This. = 81 == Tove? Where ismy coer SS en [OWE (Sehneck) YY re 7 “Tongve lose thy light! Moon — toke thy flight! Now (0 Zungilisch ous! Mand lout rach Hous! Nun ea EEE

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