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Early childhood complex case and general well-being of children

today throughout their lives, for this is that one

of the main risks is violent behavior
against children from infancy, affecting
their survival and healthy development.

On the other hand, health issues are a

fairly complex area, since in Colombia,
infant and maternal mortality rates are
still high for reasons such as the lack of timely care or affordable services (such as
access to health services, nutrition
programs and food security).
The issue of early childhood has become
more complex with the passing of time, This is why it is important to guarantee
since the first years of an infant's life are education to all children without any
decisive for physical, emotional and distinction by disability, ethnicity, gender
intellectual development, since all these or place of birth, but this process can only
situations, factors around him, they will be favored by investing to have sufficient
form his person. educational quotas for all children in the
national territory, cultural and sports
spaces that allow the good use of free
Physical-emotional and intellectual time and creation of social culture, with
development can also be strengthened construction of citizenship.
through inclusive, equitable and
supportive education since ethnic, cultural
and social diversity, the geographical and It is necessary to continue and deepen the
socioeconomic characteristics of the universal and clear care of children,
country and the educational needs of especially those under 5 years of age,
children are taken into account. girls. because it is well known that the basis of
since it enables boys and girls to development occurs at this stage, working
potentiate their capabilities and develop even more in the face of the health
life skills. emergency that is experienced worldwide
as is the case of the pandemic.
Cooperation with family members and
As we all know, early childhood is a key caregivers with socio-emotional support
stage of human growth. The factors that and violence prevention is important
make up the life of early childhood not since all this is essential to mitigate the
only determine the present, but also impact of the pandemic in the short and
determine the health, learning capacity medium term.

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