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This is a picture of my backyard. It looks like a normal backyard, but I am

proud of it because it has undergone a lot of renovation. It was a big project
of mine. I am proud that I was able to create a beautiful place for my family
to hangout and relax. It began looking like a dump with lots of dirt and trash
and the concrete was stained with years of abandonment. It was hard work
in the sun removing all the trash and demolishing weird structures. I also
power washed the concrete. I was able to put in grass. I am proud that the
grass was able to survive and still looks good. I also made a section for
plants and planted them and put wood chips. In the corner I started my little
garden which I am proud of because it has not died. I planted pumpkins
and my family was able to enjoy them. Currently I have cucumbers and
zucchini planted and a pear tree and pomegranate bush are slowly
growing. I am proud that I saw the project through and didn’t give up. It
encouraged my family and we bought outdoor furniture. Now my family
spends more time outside since it is more enjoyable.

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