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7 Benefits of Effective Communication in Personal and Professional


 demeanor – behavior
 to foster – способствовать
 to embrace – объять, охватить
 to eliminate – устранять, ликвидировать
 to nurture – воспитывать

1. To build trust is very important. We can gain it through attentive listening and an
ability to embrace different points of view. So people (or team members) can
understand that you are reliable person who aimed at prosperity of the group but not
personal benefits.

2. To prevent or solve problems also is very important. To achieve it you need to

stay calm and patient, listen to everybody’s opinion attentively and try to find the best
solution that can satisfy everybody’s wishes.

3. Providing clarity and direction can be gained by successful communicational

skills. If you, as a leader, have noticed that somebody does his/her duties incorrect you
should be able to explain everything clearly, point out what you are expecting and also
provide help if it’s necessary.

4. Good communication skills can help you to build reliable relationship with
people both in professional and personal life. If, as it was said above, you listen to others
attentively, these people will feel heard and understood and as a result they will respect
you back.

5. If you provide to your employees good understanding, support and clearly points
what they should do, it can boost engagement in the work and, as a result, it
fosters to good results of the whole team, company or whatever.

6. If you have good communication skills, it can foster to a great productivity,

because when everybody knows what they are expected to do, when they understand
that all conflicts can be solved quickly and effectively, there is no need for employees to
distract from working process and, as a result, productivity increases.

7. Effective communication can help to build a good relationship among the group and,
as a result, everybody can trust each other that leads to improved morale and work

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