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Please rewrite all the questions and type on Ms. Word

A.Read the Text and use the correct form of the verbs in the bracket (simple past or present

Robyn Rihana Fenty be borned in a Parish on the Caribbean island of Barbados in 1988 where she has
lived the life of a normal girl who was study at high school and have love to sing for fun with some
friends. Her life has change drastically in 2003 when she has meet Evan Rodgers, a music producer from
New Yorl. Since her debut in 2005, she has make a number of successfulalbums and sang in concerts ll
over the world. She was win some music award.

B. Change the word in the bracket into correct form (simple past or present perfect)

1. A: what did you do last night?

B: I studied Mandarin

2. A: have you ever been to Singapore?

B: Yes I have

3. I has, saw aladin many times

4. she never been, eated pork in her entire life

5. last januari, I saw were snow for the first time in my life

C. Put the sentences into simple past

1. We moved to a new house last month

2. They brought a sandwich this morning

3. Did he visit his friends?

D. Put the sentence into present

1. I have saw that movie twenty times

2. I think I have meet him once before

3. There has been many earthquakes in California

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