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Carmen Sofía Solórzano García


*Conflict: a conflict is when two or more people with different interests get into a


*Problem: a situation person, or things that need atenttion and need to

be dealt with or solved
*Power Relationships: Power is an interpersonal relationship in which one person
or group has the ability to cause another person or group to take an action that it
would not have taken otherwise.
*Violence: behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill
someone or something.
*Conflict resolutions: Conflic resolutions consists of activities and processes
dedicated to talking and resolving the causes of a controversy or a difference that
generated a conflict.
*Negotation: It is a resolving conflics throught dialogue and the coperation of the
parties involved with the purpose of arriving at mutual agreements.
*Mediation: It is a process in wich a neutral person, generally outside of the
conflict, participantes. This person encourages communication and analysis so
the protagonists find resolutions that satisfy their interests or needs.

*Reconciliation: It is a mechanism for resolving conflicts through which two or more

parties submit a controversy to a neutral third party, the reconciler, who will lead
and collaborate in resolving the controversy. The agreement the parties eventually
reach will be mandatory.
*Arbitration: It refers to conflict resolution in which an expert in the topic of the
conflict participates by analyzing the protagonists’ arguments and consulting
pertinent laws to make a decision that resolves the conflict.
*Agreement: An agreement happens when two or more people make decisions or
take actions that are most suitable to their resolution.
*Consensus.:  A consensus happens when the protagonists work together to reach
an agreement that is generally accepted. However, there are times when it is
necessary to turn to government institutions to resolve conflicts.
*Intrinsic factors: Are those the protagonists have control of, such as emotions,
thoughts, or impulses.
*Extrinsic factors: he extrinsic factors, situations that those involved cannot control
because they depend on other people or circumstances.

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