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Computer Programming for IT (MIT)

Course Introduction: Problem Solving, Introduction to Programming and Programs, Types of

Languages; An overview of compiler, interpreter and byte code: Compiler vs. Interpreter; Introduction
to Java: Structure of Java Program, Compiling and running a Java program; Lexical issues, keywords,
reserved words: Identifiers, Constants, Literals, Keywords, Reserved words; Data types (Part 1): Data
types and variables, Simple data types, Scope and lifetime of variables; Data types (Part 2): Integers,
Floating point types, Characters, Booleans; Type conversion and casting: Type conversion and casting,
Automatic type promotion in expressions; Operators: Introduction to Strings, Basic arithmetic
operators, Increment and decrement operators, Short circuit operators; Operators, precedence and
association: Precedence and association, Equality and relational operators, Conditional / ternary
operator, Using parenthesis; Control statements: Select statements: If, If / else, Multiple selection
structure; Control statements: Iteration statements: while, do-while, Nested control structures; Control
statements: counter controlled repetition: Counter controlled repetition for; Arrays (part 1): Declaring
array variables, Creating array objects, Changing array elements, Arrays (part 2): Searching; Finding
the maximum and minimum of a numeric array; Finding the sum of the elements of an array and
computing average; Sorting; The length of an array; Arrays(part 3): Multidimensional arrays, Matrix
manipulation; Object Oriented Programming: Introducing objects; Objects’ attributes and behaviours;
Messaging between objects; Concept of classes; Abstraction; Encapsulation; Classes: Defining a class;
Class members; Declaring objects; Object reference variables; Primitive data types and Objects;
Methods: General form of methods; Returning value; Method parameters; Calling a method; Argument
passing; Constructors: Default constructor; Constructor parameters; Methods (2): Overloading
(method and constructor); Using objects as parameters; Returning objects; Concept of static;
Introduction to Inheritance: Overview of Inheritance; Inheritance (2): Super class variable and subclass
object; Using super keyword; Order of constructor calling; Inheritance (3): Method overriding; Dynamic
method dispatch; The Object class; Introduction to Packages: Introduction to Packages; Importing
packages; Access protection; Introduction to GUI: Graphical user interface, AWT controls; Using GUI
controls: Using labels and buttons, Applying check boxes; GUI practical demonstration: Obtaining
values from text fields; Abstract classes, interfaces, adapter classes: Abstract classes; Interfaces;
Adapter classes(in context of listener interfaces); Introduction to Exception: Exception handling
fundamentals; Using try, catch, finally, throws, and throw; Strings in detail: String handling, Character
extraction, String comparison, Concatenation with other data types, Handling with sub-string, Concat
and replacement, String Trimming.

Credit hours/ Marks:- 3

Reference Books
A: Herb Schildt, Herbert Schildt (2002),” Java 2: The Complete Reference”, ISBN: 0072224207
Reference Material :

Alison Moncrieff, Steve Gilmartin, Laura Arendal, Krista Reid-McLaughlin, Lisa Duran, Sybex, “Java 2
Complete”, Sybex Inc., ASIN: 0782124682.

Web Resources

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